Safe sport
Authors: Kavanagh, E. and Ansari, P.
Pages: 822-823
DOI: 10.4337/9781035317189.ch478
Abstract:The increasing recognition of abuse in sports has prompted organizations to intensify their efforts in promoting "Safe Sport," a concept that is gaining widespread adoption but often lacks a clear definition. This entry highlights the varying interpretations of Safe Sport, ranging from a focus primarily on athlete safety to a more inclusive approach that encompasses the welfare of all sport participants. The term, while prevalent in North America and globally, is paralleled by "safeguarding" in other regions. This entry aims to synthesize a comprehensive understanding of Safe Sport. Amidst the complexities faced by the sport community, the ultimate objective is unambiguous: fostering sporting environments that emphasize safety, inclusion, fairness, and positive development for everyone involved. Recognizing and adopting the Safe Sport concept marks a significant step towards addressing harmful practices in sports and catalyzing a broad cultural shift.
Source: Scopus