Dr Payam Ansari
- pansari at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7880-586X
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Payam-Ansari
- Lecturer in Sport and Event Management
- Keywords:
- Consumer Behaviour
- Content analysis
- Creative Research Methods
- Ethnography
- Events Management
- Experimental Research
- Fan Engagement
- Gender and Diversity
- Marketing
- Mixed Methods
- PhD Supervisor
- Qualitative methodology
- Sport Fandom
- Sport management
- Sport participation and experience
- Sporting identities
- Sports events
- Virtual Reality
- Women's Sports
Dr. Payam Ansari is a Lecturer in the Department of Sport and Events Management at Bournemouth University Business School. His main area of expertise lies in Sport Marketing and fan experience and engagement. He brings a unique blend of academic rigor and industry expertise, combining his experience in teaching various courses in Sport Management with practical insights. Payam is a former Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Research Fellow, which highlights his commitment to research excellence. He has also worked in the sport industry at a high managerial level, bringing a depth of real-world experience to his academic endeavours.
Payam’s academic journey is marked by a diverse educational background. He holds a bachelor’s in industrial engineering, an MBA, and a PhD in Sport Management. Prior to joining BU, Payam was a MSCA IF Research Fellow at Dublin City University. During his Individual Fellowship, he led a 2-year research project aimed at increasing fan engagement in women’s football...
His research is primarily focused on fan engagement, particularly the exploration of women’s sports fandom, with a special emphasis on women’s football. His dedication lies in deepening the understanding of fan experiences and engagement within this area. Payam has also studied the professionalisation process of women’s football, shedding light on the sport’s evolving dynamics. Payam has made noteworthy contributions to respected academic journals, including the Journal of Sports Economics and Managing Sport and Leisure. His research has been recognised on the international stage, with presentations at several conferences across Europe and Asia. Additionally, his proficiency in bibliometrics analyses has guided his publications in various fields, demonstrating his proficiency in this analytical method.
He has a rich history of involvement in the sport industry, notably serving as the Head of the Marketing Department at the Football Federation of Iran. His hands-on experience in sports sponsorship and activation, event management and fan engagement are extensive, having been a member of the organising committee for various high-profile sporting events. These events include the Asian Football Confederation Champions League final game in 2018 and international matches, offering him unique insights into the practical aspects of sport management.
An advocate for inclusive education, Payam has completed various Teaching and Learning certificate programmes, including Universal Design for Learning (UDL). His teaching philosophy is centred around eliminating barriers to learning and integrating principles of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion into the teaching and learning processes. This ensures that all students have equal opportunities to succeed and thrive in their academic pursuits. Having studied and worked in a diverse range of cultures, including Iran, Malaysia, Ireland, and the UK, Payam brings a rich understanding of diversity, and the challenges and opportunities it presents in both adapting to change and fostering integration. These experiences are pivotal to his approach in crafting teaching and learning experiences that resonate with a globally diverse student population, preparing them for a multicultural world.
Throughout his academic career, Payam has employed a variety of research methodologies. His PhD research was experimental, utilising a design-based approach to create an entrepreneurship course tailored for sports students. During his Marie Curie fellowship, he undertook extensive ethnographic research. Furthermore, he applied a co-creation participatory approach to develop a fan engagement framework for women’s football teams. Leveraging his extensive experience in varied research methodologies, Payam is particularly keen to supervise PhD students in the areas of Sport Fandom, Marketing of/through Women’s Sports, and the application of new technologies, like Virtual Reality, in fan engagement within women’s sports.
moreExpertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Journal Articles
- Chiew, T.K., Khoo, S., Ansari, P. and Kiruthika, U., 2024. Mobile and wearable technologies for persons with disabilities: a bibliometric analysis (2000–2021). Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 19 (3), 994-1002.
- Baecker, N., Ansari, P. and Schreyer, D., 2024. Formula 1 Grands Prix demand across different distribution channels. Managing Sport and Leisure, 29 (6), 869-882.
- Khoo, S., Ansari, P., John, J. and Brooke, M., 2022. The Top 50 Most Cited Articles on Special Olympics: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (16).
- Schreyer, D. and Ansari, P., 2022. Stadium Attendance Demand Research: A Scoping Review. Journal of Sports Economics, 23 (6), 749-788.
- Khoo, S., Ansari, P. and Morris, T., 2021. Sport and exercise psychology research from the Asian and South Pacific region: A bibliometric analysis. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1 (1), 21-29.
- Khoo, S., Mohbin, N., Ansari, P., Al-Kitani, M. and Müller, A.M., 2021. Mhealth interventions to address physical activity and sedentary behavior in cancer survivors: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11).
- Ansari, P., Khoo, S. and Ismail, M.N., 2020. Designing and developing a sport entrepreneurship course: an educational design-based study. Entrepreneurship Education.
- Khoo, S., Li, C. and Ansari, P., 2018. The Top 50 Most Cited Publications in Disability Sport: A Bibliometric Analysis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 125 (3), 525-545.
- Müller, A.M., Ansari, P., Ebrahim, N.A. and Khoo, S., 2016. Physical Activity and Aging Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. J Aging Phys Act, 24 (3), 476-483.
- Kavanagh, E. and Ansari, P., 2024. Safe Sport. In: Pedersen, P.M., ed. Encyclopedia of Sport Management. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 820.
- Ansari, P. and Schreyer, D., 2024. Mega sports event TV demand: Synthesis and outlook. Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events. 258-270.
- Ansari, P. and Schreyer, D., 2024. Attendance. Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition. 72-73.
- Kavanagh, E. and Ansari, P., 2024. Safe sport. Encyclopedia of Sport Management, Second Edition. 822-823.
- Ansari, P. and Tabrizi, R.S., 2012. Knowledge Management impact on Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Malaysian study. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4042-4051.
PhD Students
- Zahra Eskandari. Beyond “excluded exclusions”? Bridging the knowledge gap between policy stakeholders and (forced) migrant women engagement with physical activity in the South-West of England, (In progress)
Profile of Teaching PG
- Organisations, Strategy and Finance
Profile of Teaching UG
- Event Design
- Marketing The Experience
- Beyond the Sidelines: Mapping the Fan Journey in Women's Football (BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants Scheme 2024, 01 Nov 2024). Awarded
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA IF): Developing Fan Engagement For Increasing Participation, Attendance and Commercial Value in Women's Football (European Commission, 01 Oct 2021). Completed
- Design, Implementing and Evaluation of an Entrepreneurship Module for Students of Social Sciences (University of Malaya (Internal Grant), 01 Aug 2019). Completed
- Commercialisation of Blind Football in Malaysia (University of Malaya (Internal Grant), 01 Mar 2019). Completed
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Web article published on The Journal: “To improve women’s football in Ireland we should avoid the mistakes made by the men's game” (17 Jul 2023)
- 'Science is Wonderful! 2023’ (01 Feb 2023)
- Web article published on RTE: ‘The opportunity of a lifetime’ for Irish women’s soccer? (17 Oct 2022)
- 'Science is Wonderful! 2021’ (26 Nov 2021)
- 2022 European Researchers’ Night
Conference Presentations
- International Conference on CRYPTO-Marketing, NFTs, utility tokens and soccer: An exploratory data analysis of legitimisation messaging and manipulative practices., 05 Dec 2022, Columbia Business School, NYC, USA
- 30th conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM2022), Women’s Football Fandom in Ireland: An Ethnographic Study., 05 Sep 2022, Innsbruck, Austria
- Media, Sport and Ireland Symposium, Factors shaping contemporary women’s football fandom in Ireland., 19 May 2022, Galway, Ireland.
- GENMAC (Gender, Markets, Consumers), Women’s Football in Ireland: Fandom and Fan Engagement, 15 May 2022, Stockholm, Sweden
- Learning, Improvement and Teaching Enhancement Conference (LITEC2020), Design, Developing, Implementing and Evaluation of an Entrepreneurship Module for Students of Social Sciences., 25 Aug 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 11th Asian Association for Sport Management Conference (AASM 2015), Entrepreneurial Intentions in Sport Academic: An Exploratory Study, 26 Aug 2015, Langkawi, Malaysia
- 4th International Conference on Management, Finance & Entrepreneurship (ICMFE-2015), Entrepreneurship education in sports: Issues and challenges, 11 Apr 2015, Medan, Indonesia
- 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Knowledge Management Impact on Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Malaysian Study., 04 Jan 2012, Hawaii, USA
- 4th International Conference on E-commerce with Focus on Developing Countries, Knowledge management in small and medium enterprises, 03 Nov 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- American Marketing Association (AMA), Member,
- European Association for Sport Management (EASM), Member,
- International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA), Member,
- Irish Institute of Digital Business (IIDB), Associate, https://iidb.ie/
- Marie Curie Alumni Association, Member, https://www.mariecuriealumni.eu/
Social Media Links
- Author's Website, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Payam-Ansari
- LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/payamansari/
- Twitter, @payam_ansari