Mobile Technology Capabilities in Creative Industries: A Resource-based Perspective
Authors: Bolat, E. and Apostolakis, C.
Conference: British Academy of Management
Dates: 11-13 September 2012
Abstract:This paper endeavours to understand the process of mobile technology (MT) employment in creative service firms through the prism of a Resource-based View. In doing this, it utilises the competence framework proposed by Sanchez (2003), according to which firms that operate as an ‘open system’ of resources and capabilities excel in the strategic competition. The case study approach is applied to describe and examine the chosen framework in six firms through in-depth interviewing and analysing secondary sources. With respect to findings, MT resources are deployed in accordance with the strategic logic of a firm. There is a general consensus that MT is non-substitutable but strategically useful. All six firms share a common coordination mechanism in managing MT resources in the form of a relationship management. The role of management is stressed in the form of an account manager who uses clients’ objectives as means for allocating tasks and resources.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Elvira Bolat