Evaluation of a crisis management head mounted display (HMD) system
Authors: Dogan, H., Dawson, B., Carver, E. and Hinton, J.
Journal: Proceedings of the 20th BCS HCI Group Conference: Engage, HCI 2006
Pages: 149-154
Abstract:The aim of this research is to investigate the potential value of introducing Head Mounted Display (HMD) technology into real world crisis management teams. Helmet mounted display is particularly suitable for people that require instant and easily accessible information during their fieldwork. We interpret this as exploiting HMD capability as a component of a wearable information system to support decision making and to enable a field operator to share and receive information during a crisis event. The construction and architecture of the functional HMD concept demonstration system is described. In addition, a qualitative evaluation of the various human factors and socio-technical issues that emerged when developing and trialling the HMD system is included in this study. The investigation comprised an exploratory experimental evaluation of the HMD system using human factors metrics and techniques such as CARS (Crew Awareness Rating Scale) and Workload measurement questionnaires.
Source: Scopus