Professor Huseyin Dogan
- hdogan at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor in Human Computer Interaction
- Poole House P333, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Huseyin Dogan is Professor of Human Computer Interaction and the leader of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) Computer Science & Informatics Unit at Bournemouth University.
Prof Dogan's research focuses on Human Factors, Digital Health, Assistive Technology and Systems Engineering. He was the General Co-Chair for the 30th International British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference. He has over 160 publications and his research on Accessibility and Assistive Technology (with Dr Paul Whittington) featured on the BBC South, BBC Radio Solent, The Ergonomist, Auto Express, Bournemouth Echo and The Sunday Times magazine.
Prof Dogan's previous leadership roles have included Director of the Computing and Informatics Research Centre; Acting Deputy Head of Department; Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Human Computer Interaction research group; Framework Leader for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Computing, managing over 900 students.
Prof Dogan's research is mainly funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and industry... He received funds from Innovate UK, National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), European Commission (EC), Google, Stroke Association, MS Research, Burdett Trust, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary.
In curriculum innovation, Prof Dogan Co-Founder four MSc programmes including UK's first MSc Digital Health; and MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence programmes in addition to unique programmes such as MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors; MSc Marketing & User Experience. He also has experience in online postgraduate courses and Transnational education (TNE) due to acting as an External Examiner at Franchise Colleges.
Prior to Bournemouth University, he worked as a Research Associate at Loughborough University. He has 8 years industrial experience working as a Higher Scientist for BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre.
Prof Dogan received his Engineering Doctorate (EngD) in Systems Engineering from Loughborough University, MSc in Human Computer Interaction with Ergonomics from University College London, and BSc in Computer Science from Queen Mary University of London.
SELECTED PROJECTS (Mostly Industry-Based):
• 2024–2029: Co-I, COMbAT Fatigue: COproduction and evaluation of a self-MAnagemenT intervention for post-stroke Fatigue, NIHR.
• 2023–2024: Co-I, FACETS digital toolkit: extending its reach and piloting, MS Research Treatment & Education.
• 2023–2026: PI, Digital Health interventions for Blue Light Forces, Hampshire Constabulary, UK.
• 2023–2026: PI, Cyber Resilience and Safety Analysis in MBSE, Dstl.
• 2022–2025: PI, Automated Risk Management, Dstl.
• 2021–2023: PI, Health and Wellbeing Application Development, Hampshire Constabulary, UK.
• 2020–2021: Co-I, Promoting technology for self-care for people who are sleeping rough (ProTechS), Burdett Trust.
• 2020–2021: Co-I, Cancer Sensing: Metabolomics and data driven predictive modelling for non-invasive early detection of skin cancer, AboutFace.
• 2020–2021: PI, Authentibility Pass, CyberASAP, Innovate UK.
• 2020–2020: PI, Digital Passport for Accessible Authentication (DP4AA), CyberASAP, Innovate UK.
• 2020–2021: PI, Assistive Technology for Special Educational Needs and Disability (AT4SEND), BU QR Fund.
• 2019–2020: Co-I, TAPCHA: Online Fraud Detection and Prevention, CyberASAP, Innovate UK.
• 2018–2021 : Co-I, Integrating Safety, Security, and Human Factors Engineering in Rail Infrastructure Design & Evaluation, Ricardo plc.
• 2018–2019 : Co-I, Digital Toolkit for MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Fatigue Management, HEIF-6.
• 2017–2018: PI, Assistive Technology, BU QR Fund.
• 2016–2019: Co-I, Risk Assessment in Complex SoS, Dstl...
• 2015–2018: Co-I, Anonymous: Online Group Processes, Social Identity and Cyber Security, BU Studentship.
• 2013–2017: PI, SmartAbility - Enhancing Multimodal Interaction for People with Reduced Physical Ability, BU.
• 2014–2015: PI, BU Computer Human Interaction (BUCHI), Fusion Investment Fund.
• 2012–2013: Co-I, Trans-Atlantic Research and Education Agenda on Systems of Systems (T-AREA-SoS), EC Framework VII.
• 2010–2011: Co-I, Information Flow Analysis and Social Network Methods, Transformational Technology Programme .
• 2008–2009: Researcher, Network Enabled Capability Through Innovative Systems Engineering (NECTISE), BAE Systems & EPSRC.
• 2008: Task Manager, Common Operational Picture Exploitation (COPE), EC Framework VII.
• 2008: Evaluation Lead, Open Advanced System for dISaster & Emergency Management (OASIS), EC Framework VI.
• 2008: Intranet Developer, Advanced Technology Centre.
• 2006–2007: User-Centred Designer, Web Based HCI Design Aid for SELEX-SAS.
• 2006–2007: Human Factors Integration Specialist, Future Rapid Effect System (FRES).
• 2005: Analyst, Network Integration Test and Experimentation Works (NITEworks).
• 2005: Head Equipment Assembly (HEA) Engineer, QinetiQ CHS Centrifuge.
• 2004: E-learning Specialist, Microsoft.
- Dogan, H., Giff, S. and Barsoum, R., 2024. User Experience Research: Point of View Playbook. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings.
- Thron, E., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Freer, M., 2024. Human factors and cyber-security risks on the railway – the critical role played by signalling operations. Information and Computer Security, 32 (2), 236-263.
- Mehra, R., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Murphy, J. and Bitters, F., 2023. A Tailored mHealth App for Improving Health and Well-Being Behavioral Transformation in UK Police Workers: Usability Testing via a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10.
- Guler, S., Ozturk, O., Golparvar, A., Dogan, H. and Yapici, M.K., 2022. Effects of illuminance intensity on the green channel of remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 45 (4), 1317-1323.
- Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Williams, C., 2022. Assessing system of systems information security risk with OASoSIS. Computers and Security, 117.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Jiang, N., 2022. Detecting physical abilities through smartphone sensors: an assistive technology application. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 17 (8), 974-985.
- Heaslip, V., Green, S., Simkhada, B., Dogan, H. and Richer, S., 2022. How do people who are homeless find out about local health and social care services: A mixed method study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (1).
- Adesina, N., Dogan, H., Green, S. and Tsofliou, F., 2022. Effectiveness and usability of digital tools to support dietary self-management of gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review. Nutrients, 14 (1).
- Thomas, S., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Jiang, N., Passmore, D., Pretty, K., Fairbanks, B., Smith, A.D. and Thomas, P.W., 2021. Creating a Digital Toolkit to Reduce Fatigue and Promote Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis: Participatory Design and Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (12).
- Swanston, E., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Murphy, J. and Bitters, F., 2021. Scoping the need for a tailored mhealth app to improve health and well-being behavioral transformation in the police: Exploring the views of uk police workers via web-based surveys and client meetings. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (8).
- Heaslip, V., Richer, S., Simkhada, B., Dogan, H. and Green, S., 2021. Use of technology to promote health and wellbeing of people who are homeless: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (13).
- Vertesi, A., Dogan, H. and Stefanidis, A., 2020. Usability Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments: A University Case Study. Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age.. Springer, Cham, 161-183.
- Dogan, H., Norman, H., Alrobai, A., Jiang, N., Nordin, N. and Adnan, A., 2019. A Web-Based Intervention for Social Media Addiction Disorder Management in Higher Education: Quantitative Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (10).
- Thomas, S. et al., 2019. Digitizing a face-to-face group fatigue management program: Exploring the views of people with multiple sclerosis and health care professionals via consultation groups and interviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (5).
- Alrobai, A., Algashami, A., Dogan, H., Corner, T., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. method: Combating digital addiction via online peer support groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (7).
- Boyd, K., Bond, R., Vertesi, A., Dogan, H. and Magee, J., 2019. How People Judge the Usability of a Desktop Graphic User Interface at Different Time Points: Is there Evidence for Memory Decay, Recall Bias or Temporal Bias? Interacting with Computers, 31 (2), 221-230.
- South, H., Taylor, M., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2017. Digitising a Medical Clerking System with Multimodal Interaction Support. In: ICMI 2017- Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 13-17 November 2017 Glasgow.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2017. SmartPowerchair: Characterization and Usability of a Pervasive System of Systems. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 47 (4), 500-510.
- Norman, H., Din, R., Nordin, N., Ally, M. and Dogan, H., 2015. Exploring the Roles of Social Participation in Mobile Social Media Learning: A Social Network Analysis. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), 16 (4), 205-224.
- Ncube, C., Lim, S.L. and Dogan, H., 2013. Identifying Top Challenges for International Research on Requirements Engineering for Systems of Systems Engineering. In: 21st International IEEE Requirements Engineering (RE) Conference, Panel Session 15-19 July 2013 Rio, Brazil.
- Dogan, H., Pilfold, S.A. and Henshaw, M., 2011. The role of human factors in addressing systems of systems complexity. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1244-1249.
- Dogan, H., Henshaw, M.J.D.C. and Ragsdell, G., 2011. The Risk of Information Management Without Knowledge Management: A Case Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 10 (4), 393-408.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Journal Articles
- Oztas, B., Cetinkaya, D., Adedoyin, F., Budka, M., Aksu, G. and Dogan, H., 2024. Transaction monitoring in anti-money laundering: A qualitative analysis and points of view from industry. Future Generation Computer Systems, 159, 161-171.
- Thron, E., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Freer, M., 2024. Human factors and cyber-security risks on the railway – the critical role played by signalling operations. Information and Computer Security, 32 (2), 236-263.
- Oluokun, E.O., Adedoyin, F.F., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2024. Co-Designing Digital Health Intervention for Monitoring Medication and Consultation Among Transgender People in Underserved Communities: Collaborative Approach. JMIR Human Factors, 11.
- Oluokun, E.O., Adedoyin, F.F., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2024. Digital Interventions for Managing Medication and Health Care Service Delivery in West Africa: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26.
- Guler, S., Golparvar, A., Ozturk, O., Dogan, H. and Kaya Yapici, M., 2023. Optimal digital filter selection for remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) signal conditioning. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 9 (2).
- Mehra, R., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Murphy, J. and Bitters, F., 2023. A Tailored mHealth App for Improving Health and Well-Being Behavioral Transformation in UK Police Workers: Usability Testing via a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10.
- Guler, S., Ozturk, O., Golparvar, A., Dogan, H. and Yapici, M.K., 2022. Effects of illuminance intensity on the green channel of remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 45 (4), 1317-1323.
- Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Williams, C., 2022. Assessing system of systems information security risk with OASoSIS. Computers and Security, 117.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Jiang, N., 2022. Detecting physical abilities through smartphone sensors: an assistive technology application. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 17 (8), 974-985.
- Heaslip, V., Green, S., Simkhada, B., Dogan, H. and Richer, S., 2022. How do people who are homeless find out about local health and social care services: A mixed method study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (1).
- Adesina, N., Dogan, H., Green, S. and Tsofliou, F., 2022. Effectiveness and usability of digital tools to support dietary self-management of gestational diabetes mellitus: A systematic review. Nutrients, 14 (1).
- Thomas, S., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Jiang, N., Passmore, D., Pretty, K., Fairbanks, B., Smith, A.D. and Thomas, P.W., 2021. Creating a Digital Toolkit to Reduce Fatigue and Promote Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis: Participatory Design and Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (12).
- Swanston, E., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Murphy, J. and Bitters, F., 2021. Scoping the need for a tailored mhealth app to improve health and well-being behavioral transformation in the police: Exploring the views of uk police workers via web-based surveys and client meetings. JMIR Formative Research, 5 (8).
- Heaslip, V., Richer, S., Simkhada, B., Dogan, H. and Green, S., 2021. Use of technology to promote health and wellbeing of people who are homeless: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (13).
- Alrubaee, A.U., Cetinkaya, D., Liebchen, G. and Dogan, H., 2020. A process model for component-based model-driven software development. Information (Switzerland), 11 (6).
- Thomas, S., Pulman, A., Passmore, D., Thomas, P., Jiang, N., Dogan, H., Pretty, K. and Smith, A.D., 2020. Enhancing engagement with fatigue management via a digital toolkit. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 26 (2_SUPPL), 53.
- Dogan, H., Norman, H., Alrobai, A., Jiang, N., Nordin, N. and Adnan, A., 2019. A Web-Based Intervention for Social Media Addiction Disorder Management in Higher Education: Quantitative Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (10).
- Thomas, S. et al., 2019. Digitizing a face-to-face group fatigue management program: Exploring the views of people with multiple sclerosis and health care professionals via consultation groups and interviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (5).
- Alrobai, A., Algashami, A., Dogan, H., Corner, T., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2019. method: Combating digital addiction via online peer support groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (7).
- Boyd, K., Bond, R., Vertesi, A., Dogan, H. and Magee, J., 2019. How People Judge the Usability of a Desktop Graphic User Interface at Different Time Points: Is there Evidence for Memory Decay, Recall Bias or Temporal Bias? Interacting with Computers, 31 (2), 221-230.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H., Cetinkaya, D., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2018. Conceptualising and modelling E-recruitment process for enterprises through a problem oriented approach. Information (Switzerland), 9 (11).
- Ambore, S., Richardson, C., Dogan, H., Apeh, E. and Osselton, D., 2017. A resilient cybersecurity framework for Mobile Financial Services (MFS). Journal of Cyber Security Technology, 1 (3-4), 202-224.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2017. SmartPowerchair: Characterization and Usability of a Pervasive System of Systems. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 47 (4), 500-510.
- Dogan, H., Alamro, S. and Phalp, K., 2015. Forming Enterprise Recruitment Pattern Based on Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model. Procedia Computer Science, 64, 298-305.
- Biggins, D., Crowley, E., Bolat, E., Dupac, M. and Dogan, H., 2015. Enhancing university student engagement using online multiple choice questions and answers. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 71-76.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2015. Improving life for people with disabilities. The Ergonomist, 47 (542), 12-13.
- Norman, H., Din, R., Nordin, N., Ally, M. and Dogan, H., 2015. Exploring the Roles of Social Participation in Mobile Social Media Learning: A Social Network Analysis. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL), 16 (4), 205-224.
- Dogan, H., Barot, V., Henshaw, M.J.D., Siemieniuch, C.E. and Sinclair, M.A., 2014. Systems of Systems Engineering Thesaurus Approach: From Concept to Realisation. Int. J. System of Systems Engineering, 5 (3), 228-247.
- Dogan, H., Henshaw, M.J.D.C. and Ragsdell, G., 2011. The Risk of Information Management Without Knowledge Management: A Case Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 10 (4), 393-408.
- Faily, S., Jiang, N., Dogan, H. and Taylor, J., 2016. Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2016). British Computer Society.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2024. Improving quality of life through the application of assistive technology. A Research Agenda for Disability and Technology. 85-106.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2023. Interacting with Assistive Technology (IATech) Workshop. 650-656.
- Dogan, H., Whittington, P., Apeh, E. and Ki-Aries, D., 2021. Proceedings of the Workshop on Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusivity in Cyber Security. Co-located with the 33rd British Human Computer Interaction Conference. ACM.
- Vertesi, A., Dogan, H. and Stefanidis, A., 2020. Usability Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments: A University Case Study. Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age.. Springer, Cham, 161-183.
- Dogan, H., Jiang, N., Giff, S. and Bond, R., 2018. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Environments (HCD4IE). Co-located with the 32nd British Human Computer Interaction Conference. ACM.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2018. Human Factors in Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study of a Smart Automated Transport and Retrieval System (SmartATRS). Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems. 201-226.
- Bouchachia, H., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Giff, S., 2016. Human-centred design for intelligent environments.
- Alrobai, A. and Dogan, H., 2014. Digital Addiction Ontology for Social Networking Systems. In: Aiello, L. and McFarland, D., eds. Social Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 167-175.
- Dogan, H., Henshaw, M. and Urwin, E., 2009. A 'Soft' Approach to TLM Requirements Capture to Support Through-Life Management. In: Karagiannis, D. and Jin, Z., eds. Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management. Springer, 458-469.
- Muazu, F.A., Adedoyin, F.A., Dogan, H., Mavengere, N. and Whittington, P., 2024. The use of mobile learning in special education needs and disabilities (SEND) settings: state-of-the-art classification of studies. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 486-495.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Phillips, J.T., Phillips, H. and Pochin, I., 2024. Communicating reasonable adjustments to improve accessibility of patient services. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 481-485.
- Botre, B.A., Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2024. A Systematic Technical Review and Architecture of Smart Power Wheelchair Manoeuvring for People with Disabilities and the Elderly: A perspective from Human Computer Interaction and Shared Control Systems. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 474-480.
- Dogan, H., Giff, S. and Barsoum, R., 2024. User Experience Research: Point of View Playbook. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings.
- Muazu, F., Adedoyin, F., Dogan, H., Whittington, P. and Mavengere, N., 2024. The use of artificial intelligence and emerging technologies in mobile learning: State of the art in adaptive, intelligent and expert systems. In: IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference 27-29 February 2024 Bournemouth UK.
- Sallal, M., Gorman, B., Mavengere, N., Dogan, H., Roushan, G., Henderson, H., Chai, W. and Orman, T., 2024. Strategies towards supporting the use of generative AI within higher education. In: IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference 27-29 February 2024 Bournemouth UK.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N., Wang, R. and Porter, C., 2024. Post Proceedings of the Interacting with Assistive Technology (IATech) Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14536 LNCS, 249-256.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2024. EduAbility: Provision of Assistive Technology Awareness and Training. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 14536 LNCS, 267-271.
- Davies, N., Dogan, H., Ki-Aries, D., Jiang, N. and Williams, C., 2024. Foundations for Modelling Conscientious Attacking in Electromagnetic Cyberspace. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, CSR 2024, 726-731.
- Dogan, H., Green, S. and Tsofliou, F., 2023. 6 Exploring management of gestational diabetes during the third COVID-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom. In: 8th International Summit on Nutrition and Health 23 July 2022 Online. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health, 1 (6) BMJ Publishing Group.
- Oztas, B., Cetinkaya, D., Adedoyin, F., Budka, M., Dogan, H. and Aksu, G., 2023. Enhancing Anti-Money Laundering: Development of a Synthetic Transaction Monitoring Dataset. Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2023, 47-54.
- Oztas, B., Cetinkaya, D., Adedoyin, F., Budka, M., Dogan, H. and Aksu, G., 2023. Perspectives from Experts on Developing Transaction Monitoring Methods for Anti-Money Laundering. Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2023, 39-46.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2023. Authentibility Pass: An Accessible Authentication Gateway for People with Reduced Abilities. Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2023, 155-162.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2022. Authentibility Pass: An Accessible Authentication Gateway for People with Reduced Abilities. 35th British HCI Conference Towards a Human-Centred Digital Society, HCI 2022.
- Altaf, A., Faily, S., Dogan, H., Thron, E. and Mylonas, A., 2022. Integrated Design Framework for Facilitating Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13106 LNCS, 58-73.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Phillips, J., 2022. Health Ability Pass: An Accessible Healthcare Gateway for Patients with Disabilities. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, ICEBE 2022, 282-287.
- Naseir, M.A.B., Dogan, H. and Apeh, E., 2021. Assessment of national cybersecurity capacity for countries in a transitional phase: The spring land case study. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 341, 144-153.
- Cotterill, E., Ledingham, G. and Dogan, H., 2021. Cyber Security Capabilities and Requirements for a User Interface Supporting the Routines of Retirement Village Residents across US and UK. In: 34th British HCI Workshop and Doctoral Consortium 19-21 July 2021 University of West London, UK.
- Ambore, S., Breban, A., Apeh, E., Dogan, H. and breban, A., 2021. Evaluating Security and Accessibility Trade-off for Visually Impaired Mobile Financial Services Users. In: 34th British HCI Workshop and Doctoral Consortium 19-21 July 2021 University of West London l, UK.
- Ledingham, G., Cotterill, E. and Dogan, H., 2021. Designing an information, communication and entertainment interface for SMART retirement living. In: Ergonomics & Human Factors 2021. 19 April-21 March 2021 Online.
- Adesina, N., Dogan, H., Green, S. and Tsofliou, F., 2021. Dietary digital tools to support self-management of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic literature review. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 80 (OCE5).
- Altaf, A., Faily, S., Dogan, H., Mylonas, A. and Thron, E., 2021. Use-Case Informed Task Analysis for Secure and Usable Design Solutions in Rail. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 13139 LNCS, 168-185.
- Ambore, S., Dogan, H. and Apeh, E., 2021. Development of Usable Security Heuristics for Fintech. 34th British Human Computer Interaction Conference Interaction Conference, BCS HCI 2021, 121-132.
- Altaf, A., Faily, S., Dogan, H., Mylonas, A. and Thron, E., 2020. Identifying safety and human factors issues in rail using IRIS and CAIRIS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11980 LNCS, 98-107.
- Naseir, M.A.B., Dogan, H., Apeh, E. and Ali, R., 2020. National cybersecurity capacity building framework for countries in a transitional phase. ICEIS 2020 - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2, 841-849.
- Corbin, C., Cetinkaya, D. and Dogan, H., 2020. Design and Development of a Web Extension to Help Facilitate the Learning of a Foreign Language. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12425 LNCS, 345-364.
- Cross, C., Cetinkaya, D. and Dogan, H., 2020. Transforming diagrams’ semantics to text for visually impaired. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12200 LNCS, 339-350.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2019. The development and evaluation of the SmartAbility Android Application to detect users’ abilities. In: The ACM CHI 2019 Workshop on Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction 4-9 May 2019 Glasgow, UK.
- Fan, B., Ma, J., Jiang, N., Dogan, H. and Ali, R., 2019. A Rule Based Reasoning System for Initiating Passive ADAS Warnings Without Driving Distraction Through an Ontological Approach. In: SMC 2018: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 7-10 October 2018 Miyazaki, Japan. , 3511-3517.
- Veale, G., Dogan, H. and Murphy, J., 2019. Development and Usability Evaluation of a Nutrition and Lifestyle Guidance Application for People Living with and Beyond Cancer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11585 LNCS, 337-347.
- Corner, M., Dogan, H., Mylonas, A. and Djabri, F., 2019. A Usability Evaluation of Privacy Add-ons for Web Browsers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11586 LNCS, 442-458.
- Ben Naseir, M.A., Dogan, H., Apeh, E., Richardson, C. and Ali, R., 2019. Contextualising the National Cyber Security Capacity in an Unstable Environment: A Spring Land Case Study. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 930, 373-382.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H., Ali, R. and Phalp, K., 2019. Template-driven documentation for enterprise recruitment best practices. ICEIS 2019 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 1, 226-236.
- Saxena, N., Stone, J.A. and Dogan, H., 2018. Systematic Analysis: Resistance to Traffic Analysis Attacks in Tor System for Critical Infrastructures. In: SMC 2018: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 7-10 October 2018 Miyazaki, Japan. IEEE.
- Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Williams, C., 2018. Assessing system of systems security risk and requirements with oasosis. Proceedings - 2018 5th International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering, ESPRE 2018, 14-20.
- Jiang, N. and Dogan, H., 2018. TAPCHA: An Invisible CAPTCHA Scheme. In: 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, Interactions Gallery 2-5 July 2018 Belfast.
- Fairbanks, B., Pulman, A., Dogan, H., Jiang, N., Pretty, K., Thomas, P. and Thomas, S., 2018. Creating a FACETS digital toolkit to promote quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis through Participatory Design. In: 2nd Workshop on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Environments (HCD4IE). The 32nd Human Computer Interaction Conference (British HCI'18) 3 July 2018 Belfast.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2018. SmartAbility: Detection of reduced physical abilities through smartphone sensors. In: 2nd Workshop on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Environments (HCD4IE). The 32nd Human Computer Interaction Conference (British HCI'18) 3 July 2018 Belfast.
- Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Williams, C., 2018. System of Systems Characterisation assisting Security Risk Assessment. In: IEEE 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference 19 June-22 April 2018 Paris, France. IEEE.
- Alrobai, A., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2018. Building Online Platforms for Peer Support Groups as a Persuasive Behavioural Change Technique. In: The 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive’18) 16-19 April 2018 Waterloo, Canada.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H., Cetinkaya, D. and Jiang, N., 2018. Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model and Ontology for Enterprise e-Recruitment. In: 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) 21-24 March 2018 Madeira, Portugal.
- Fan, B., Jiang, N., Dogan, H., Ali, R. and Ma, J., 2018. An ontological approach to inform HMI designs for minimising driver distractions with ADAS. Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2018.
- Ambore, S., Richardson, C., Apeh, E. and Dogan, H., 2018. Have usability and security trade-offs in mobile financial services become untrustworthy? Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2018.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Jiang, N. and Phalp, K., 2018. Automatic detection of user abilities through the smartability framework. Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2018.
- Vertesi, A., Dogan, H., Stefanidis, A., Ashton, G. and Drake, W., 2018. Usability evaluation of a virtual learning environment: A university case study. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2018, 11-20.
- South, H., Taylor, M., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2017. Digitising a Medical Clerking System with Multimodal Interaction Support. In: ICMI 2017- Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 13-17 November 2017 Glasgow.
- Ki-Aries, D., Dogan, H., Faily, S., Whittington, P. and Williams, C., 2017. From requirements to operation: Components for risk assessment in a pervasive system of systems. Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops, REW 2017, 83-89.
- Thackray, Richardson, C., Dogan, H., Taylor, J. and McAlaney, J., 2017. Surveying the Hackers: The Challenges of Data Collection from a Secluded Community. In: 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security 29-30 June 2017 Dublin, Ireland.
- Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S., Dogan, H. and Williams, C., 2017. Re-framing “The AMN”: A Case Study Eliciting and Modelling a System of Systems using the Afghan Mission Network,. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science 10-12 May 2017 Brighton, UK.
- Ambore, S., Apeh, E., Dogan, H., Richardson, C. and Osselton, D., 2017. Development of Human Factors and Cybersecurity Objectives for Mobile Financial Service (MFS). In: Ergonomics & Human Factors 2017 25-27 April 2017 Daventry, UK.
- Ward, J., Dogan, H., Apeh, E., Mylonas, A. and Katos, V., 2017. Using human factor approaches to an organisation’s bring your own device scheme. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 10292 LNCS, 396-413.
- Jiang, N., Dogan, H. and Tian, F., 2017. Designing mobile friendly CAPTCHAs: An exploratory study. HCI 2017: Digital Make Believe - Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2017, 2017-July, 1-7.
- Bolat, E., Dogan, H., Biggins, D., Dupac, M. and Crowley, E., 2016. Empowering University Students Through Online Multiple Choice Questions. In: Chova, L.G., Martinez, A.L. and Torres, I.C., eds. 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi) 14-16 November 2016 Valencia, Spain. , 4187-4193 IATED-INT ASSOC TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION A& DEVELOPMENT, LAURI VOLPI 6, VALENICA, BURJASSOT 46100, SPAIN.
- Alrobai, McAlaney, J., Dogan, H., Phalp, K. and Ali, R., 2016. Exploring the Requirements and Design of Persuasive Intervention Technology to Combat Digital Addiction. In: The 6th International Working Conference on Human-Centred Software Engineering (HCSE’16) 29-31 August 2016 Stockholm, Sweden.
- Dogan, H. and Giff, S., 2016. UX Research is Dead. Long live UX Research! In: 30th British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Fusion 11-15 July 2016 Bournemouth, UK.
- Thackray, H., McAlaney, J., Dogan, H., Taylor, J. and Richardson, C., 2016. Social Psychology: An under-used tool in Cybersecurity. In: 30th British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Fusion 11-15 July 2016 Bournemouth, UK.
- Ambore, S., Richardson, C., Dogan, H., Apeh, E. and Osselton, D., 2016. A “Soft” Approach to Analysing Mobile Financial Services Sociotechnical Systems. In: 30th British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Fusion 11-15 July 2016 Bournemouth, UK.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2016. A SmartDisability Framework: Enhancing User Interaction. In: 30th British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Fusion 11-15 July 2016 Bournemouth, UK.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2016. SmartDisability: A Smart System of Systems approach to Disability. In: 11th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE) 12-16 June 2016 Kongsberg, Norway.
- Ambore, S., Richardson, C., Dogan, H., Osselton, D. and Apeh, E., 2016. Cyber Security for the Unbanked. In: International Conference of Big Data in Cyber Security 10 May 2016 Craiglockhart, Edinburgh.
- Scott, B.J.C., Dogan, H. and Jiang, N., 2016. Examining the effects of lighting effects on peripheral devices for visual user notifications. Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2016, 2016-July.
- Biggins, D., Crowley, E., Bolat, E., Dupac, M. and Dogan, H., 2015. Using Peerwise to improve engagement and learning. In: The European Conference on Education 1-5 July 2015 Brighton, United Kingdom. , 585-602 Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
- Norman, H., Dogan, H., Nordin, N. and Halim, L., 2015. An Asia-Europe Massive Open Online Course for Lecturer Training: Development of Pedagogical Strategies for MOOCs. In: Public University Dean’s Council 2015 Seminar, At University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 1 September 2015 Johore, Malaysia.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H., 2015. SmartPowerchair: A Pervasive System of Systems. In: 10th International Conference on System of System Engineering (SoSE) 18-20 May 2015 San Antonio, TX, USA.
- Jiang, N. and Dogan, H., 2015. A Gesture-based CAPTCHA Design Supporting Mobile Devices. In: The 2015 British Human Computer Interaction Conference (BCS HCI) 13-17 July 2015 Lincoln, UK.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. SmartPowerchair: to boldly go where a Powerchair has not gone before. In: Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) 2015 13-16 April 2015 Daventry.
- Norman, H., Hussin, Z., Sinnappan, S., Nordin, N. and Dogan, H., 2015. Empowering aboriginal women in literacy using mobile learning technology. In: UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 23-27 February 2015 Paris, France.
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2015. Evaluating the usability of an Automated Transport and Retrieval System. In: International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS) 11-13 February 2015 Angers, France.
- Jiang, N. and Dogan, H., 2014. CrowdHiLite: A Peer Review Service to Support Serious Reading on the Screen. In: The 28th BCS HCI Conference 9-12 September 2014 Southport, UK.
- Jiang, N. and Dogan, H., 2014. CrowdHiLite: A Peer Review Service to Support Serious Reading on the Screen. In: The 28th BCS HCI Conference 9-12 September 2014 Southport.
- Fenning, R., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2014. Applicability of SSM and UML for Designing a Search Application for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). In: Exploring Modelling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD), 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE '14) 16-20 June 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Dogan, H., Sinclair, M.A. and Jiang, N., 2014. Human Factors for Systems of Systems (Workshop). In: Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) 7-10 April 2014 Southampton, UK.
- Alamro, S., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K., 2014. E-Military Recruitment: A Conceptual Model for Contextualizing the Problem Domain. In: the 23rd International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2014) 2-4 September 2014 Varazdin, Croatia.
- Alrobai, A. and Dogan, H., 2014. Requirements engineering for ADDICTion-Aware Software (E-ADDICT). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1138, 46-52.
- Henshaw, M., Siemieniuch, C., Sinclair, M., Henson, S., Barot, V., Jamshidi, M., Delaurentis, D., Ncube, C., Lim, S.L. and Dogan, H., 2013. Systems of Systems Engineering: A research imperative. ICSSE 2013 - IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering, Proceedings, 389-394.
- Ali, R., Jiang, N. and Dogan, H., 2013. Socially-Augmented Software: Empowering Software Operation Through Social Contacts. In: the 3rd International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA’13) 30 September-2 October 2013 Karlsruhe, Germany..
- Henson, S.A., Henshaw, M.J.D., Barot, V., Siemieniuch, C.E., Sinclair, M.A., Jamshidi, M., Dogan, H., Lim, S.L., Ncube, C. and DeLaurentis, D., 2013. Towards a systems of systems engineering EU strategic research agenda. Proceedings of 2013 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: SoSE in Cloud Computing and Emerging Information Technology Applications, SoSE 2013, 99-104.
- Dogan, H., Barot, V., Henshaw, M. and Siemieniuch, C., 2013. Formalisation and mapping of terminologies for systems of systems engineering thesaurus. Proceedings of 2013 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: SoSE in Cloud Computing and Emerging Information Technology Applications, SoSE 2013, 46-51.
- Barot, V., Henshaw, M., Siemieniuch, C. and Dogan, H., 2013. Design of a web-based thesaurus for systems of systems engineering. Proceedings of 2013 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: SoSE in Cloud Computing and Emerging Information Technology Applications, SoSE 2013, 7-12.
- Dogan, H., Ncube, C., Lim, S.L., Henshaw, M.J.D., Siemieniuch, C.E., Sinclair, M.A., Barot, V., Henson, S., Jamshidi, M. and DeLaurentis, D., 2013. Economic and Societal Significance of the Systems of Systems Research Agenda. In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC) 13-16 October 2013 Manchester, UK.
- Ncube, C., Lim, S.L. and Dogan, H., 2013. Identifying Top Challenges for International Research on Requirements Engineering for Systems of Systems Engineering. In: 21st International IEEE Requirements Engineering (RE) Conference, Panel Session 15-19 July 2013 Rio, Brazil.
- Dogan, H., Henshaw, M. and Johnson, J., 2012. An incremental hybridisation of heterogeneous case studies to develop an ontology for Capability Engineering. In: INCOSE, ed. The 22nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium 9-12 July 2012 Rome, Italy.
- Dogan, H., Pilfold, S.A. and Henshaw, M., 2011. The role of human factors in addressing systems of systems complexity. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1244-1249.
- Dogan, H., Pilfold, S.A. and Henshaw, M., 2011. Ergonomics for Systems of Systems - The challenge of the 21st century. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011, 485-492.
- Dogan, H. and Michael, M.J., 2010. Transition from a human-centric 'soft' systems approach to a baseline enterprise Knowledge Management architecture. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2010, 144-152.
- Dogan, H. and Henshaw, M., 2010. A conceptual approach to support through-life business transformation in an aerospace and defence context. In: IEEE SOSE, ed. The 5th International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering (SoSE) 22-24 June 2010 Loughborough, UK.
- Dogan, H. and Henshaw, M.J.D., 2010. Transition from soft systems to an enterprise knowledge management architecture. In: International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 13-15 April 2010 Keele University, UK. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2010.
- Dogan, H., Svagard, I. and Holter, T., 2008. Trial of a special end user terminal that aids field operators during emergency rescue operations. In: Joint ISCRAM-CHINA and GI4DM Conference 4-6 August 2008 Harbin, China.
- Dogan, H., Dawson, B., Carver, E.M. and Hinton, J., 2006. Evaluation of a Crisis Management Head Mounted Display (HMD) System. In: The 20th BCS HCI 11-15 September 2006 London, UK. Proceedings of BCS HCI 2006.
- Carver, E.M., Dogan, H., Dawson, B. and Hinton, J., 2006. Enhancing Communication in Rescue Teams. In: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) 15-17 May 2006 Newark, NJ, USA. Proceedings of the 3rd International ISCRAM Conference.
- Heaslip, V., Green, S., Simkhada, B., Dogan, H. and Richer, S., 2022. Promoting Technology for Self-Care (ProTechS) for people who are sleeping rough. Bournemouth: Burdett.
- Pulman, A. et al., 2018. Consultation on delivering an MS-fatigue management group programme in an online format (cFACETS). Bournemouth: BUCRU, Bournemouth University.
- Henshaw, M., Siemieniuch, C., Sinclair, M., Barot, V., Henson, S., Ncube, C., Ling Lim, S., Dogan, H., Jamshidi, M. and DeLaurentis, D., 2013. The Systems of Systems Engineering Strategic Research Agenda. European Commission.
- Barot, V., Dogan, H., Henshaw, M., Sinclair, M., Siemieniuch, C. and Henson, S., 2012. The SoSE Thesaurus Approach. European Commission.
- Henshaw, M., Siemieniuch, C., Sinclair, M., Ncube, C., Ling Lim, S., Dogan, H. and Barot, V., 2012. High Level Requirements Specification for SOSE Research. European Commission.
- Henshaw, M., Sinclair, M., Ncube, C., Ling Lim, S., Dogan, H., Barot, V., Siemieniuch, C. and Henson, S., 2012. Trans-Atlantic Research and Education Agenda in Systems of Systems (T-AREA-SoS): Gap Analysis Report. European Commission.
- Dogan, H., Henshaw, M.J.D. and Johnson, J., 2012. Ontology development for Capability Engineering. UK: INCOSE UK Capability Working Group (CWG). Available from:
- Vitanov, I. and Dogan, H., 2011. Information flow analysis and social network methods: experimentation study. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Vitanov, I., Carver, E., Dogan, H. and Robertson, D., 2010. Information flow analysis and SN methods: study to understand the technologies required to develop efficient information infrastructures.. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Carver, E., Dogan, H., Lockwood, F., Jones, B., Robertson, D. and Vitanov, I., 2010. Information flow analysis and social network (SN) methods: scoping study. Chemsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., Deeks, C. and McGuinness, B., 2008. Networks and Information Systems: Information Management in the context of DCPD. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., 2007. Open Advanced System for dISaster & Emergency Management (OASIS): Trial and evaluation of a special end user terminal that aids field operators during emergency rescue operations. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H. and Innes-Jones, G., 2007. Networks and Information Systems: Demo Definition, Advanced Technology Centre. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., 2007. Increased Functionality of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Web for SELEX-SAS. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Case, S., Dogan, H. and Deeks, C., 2007. Preliminary Report on Current Coverage of the 12 Box Model. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Deeks, C. and Dogan, H., 2007. Networks and Information Systems DCPD Use Case Scenarios. Chelmsford, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Ross, I. and Dogan, H., 2007. Future Rapid Effects System (FRES): Man Machine Interface Mobile Rig Demonstration Report. Farnborough, UK: Insyte, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Ross, I. and Dogan, H., 2007. Future Rapid Effects System (FRES): Electric Armour Control Panel Demonstration Report. Farnborough, UK: Insyte, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Carver, E., Launchbury, C., Thorley, P. and Dogan, H., 2006. Open Advanced System for dISaster & Emergency Management (OASIS): Pre-Operational Trial (1) - User Feedback Report. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., 2006. Human Factors Network (HFN) Website: Usability Evaluation. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Hughes, T., Dogan, H. and Bridges, K., 2006. Human Factors Network (HFN) Website: Requirements and Specifications. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H. and Lockwood, F., 2006. Open Advanced System for dISaster & Emergency Management (OASIS): Crisis Management Metrics. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., 2006. Proposal to Future Systems’ Human Centric Framework (HCF): Interactive Knowledge Management System. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., Hinton, J. and Dawson, B., 2006. Open Advanced System for dISaster & Emergency Management (OASIS): E-briefing and tasking with HMD technologies. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., 2005. Open Advanced System for dISaster & Emergency Management (OASIS): Information visualisation and data types in Crisis Management. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H. and Dawson, B., 2005. Battlespace Information & Knowledge (BIK): Development of shaping factors required for HCF methodology with relations to human attributes. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H. and Devey, L., 2005. Subjective Issues Report: HEA-F Engineering, Comfort and Centrifuge Trials. Farnborough, UK.: QinetiQ CHS Centrifuge.
- Dogan, H., McGuinness, B. and Harmer, S., 2005. Battlespace Information & Knowledge (BIK): Characterisation and comparative analysis of Human-Centric Framework (HCF) with other processes, frameworks and methodologies. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H. and Devey, L., 2005. Health and Safety Implications of Wearing a Protective Helmet. Bristol, UK: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Williams, M., Dogan, H. and Wessel, B., 2004. Integrated Capability Programme (ICP) - Land Picture: Human Factors Requirements. Bristol, UK.: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
- Dogan, H., 2004. Support to ICP Task 5000 Integrated Sensing: Cognitive Walkthrough of the Integrated Sensing Prototype. Bristol, UK.: Advanced Technology Centre, BAE SYSTEMS.
Internet Publications
- Whittington, P., Dogan, H., Wang, R., Porter, C., Waller, A., AI-Thani, D. and Öndünç, S.E., 2024. Interacting with Assistive Technology (IAT) Workshop. PETRA 2024. Available from:
- Heaslip, V., Green, S., Richer, S., Simkhada, B. and Dogan, H., 2022. Gender inequalities in England’s homeless population. Big Issue. Available from:
- Bolat, E. et al., 2016. Digital Me, Pop-up Photo Exhibition. Photo. Digital Me. Sovereign Shopping Centre, Boscombe, Bournemouth. 5 November 2016.
- Whittington, P. and Dogan, H.. Validation of the SmartPowerchair System and SmartAbility Framework. The Mobility Roadshow 2016, Silverstone Race Track, UK. 26-28 May 2016.
- Pulman, A., Thomas, P., Jiang, N., Dogan, H., Pretty, K., Passmore, D., Fairbanks, B. and Thomas, S., 2019. Developing a FACETS digital toolkit. In: MS Frontiers 2019.
PhD Students
- Abiodun Adedeji. Digital Interventions for Managing Dementia in Older Adults in Nigeria, (In progress)
- David Cropley. Development of a framework for Accessible Authentication, (In progress)
- Emmanuel Oluokun. Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Managing Consultation and Medication Delivery amongst MSM and Transgender People in Underserved Communities of Africa, (In progress)
- Fatima Ahmad Muazu. The Use of Mobile and Assistive Learning Technologies for Enhancing Digital Inclusion in Special Education, (In progress)
- Nigel Davies. Automated Risk-Informed Decision-Making in Electromagnetic Interference, (In progress)
- Nurudeen Adesina. Development of Evidence-Based Framework for Dietary Digital Tools to Manage Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) among Black African Women in the UK, (In progress)
- Olumuyiwa Ayorinde. Development of Digital Health Interventions for Managing the Health and Wellbeing of Blue Light Forces in the UK, (In progress)
- Serdar Akar. Towards Productive Cyber Resilience and Safety Analysis in Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE), (In progress)
- Helmi Norman (Postdoctoral Researcher), 2015. Collaborative Situational Awareness in the Ubiquitous Learning Settings, (Completed)
- Helen Thackray, 2017. Hackers gonna hack: Investigating the effect of group processes and social identities within online hacking communities, (Completed)
- Paul Whittington, 2017. The Development of a SmartAbility Framework to Enhance Multimodal Interaction for People with Reduced Physical Ability, (Completed)
- Amen Alrobai, 2018. The Design of Online Peer Groups Platforms to Combat Digital Addiction, (Completed)
- Duncan Ki-Aries, 2020. Security Risk Assessment in Systems of Systems, (Completed)
- Mohamed Ben Naseir, 2020. National Cybersecurity Capacity Building Framework for Counties in a Transitional Phase, (Completed)
- Amna Altaf, 2022. Integrating Safety, Security, and Human Factors Engineering in Rail Infrastructure Design & Evaluation, (Completed)
- Saleh Alamro, 2022. Enterprise e-Recruitment: A Problem-Oriented Conceptual Model and Ontology for Contextualising Recruitment Problem Space - Supported by Methods for Requirements Analysis and Documentation, (Completed)
- Botao Fan, 2023. My Navigation system really works for me - designing ubiquitous in-car interfaces, (Completed)
- Stephen Ambore, 2024. Cyber Security for the Unbanked: Usable Security Heuristics for Mobile Financial Services, (Completed)
- Saygun Guler, 2021. Multi-Objective Neuroevolution for non-contact Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs, (Withdrawn)
- Gideon Adu-Gyamfi. Machine Intelligence Approach for Modelling Financial Risk Management and Board Decisions in Financial Technology Companies, (Withdrawn)
Profile of Teaching PG
- Usability Engineering (2012 - 2018)
- Systems Design (MSc Software Engineering and Internet Architecture, BBC Academy) (2013 - 2016)
- Human Factors (MSc Cyber Security and Human Factors) (2015 - Present)
- Integrated Digital Healthcare Project (2019 - 2021)
- Human Computer Interaction (MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence) (2023 - Present)
Profile of Teaching UG
- Human Factors in Computing Systems (2015 - Present)
- Systems Design (2013 - 2015)
- Cyber Situational Awareness (2017 - 2019)
Invited Lectures
Usability Engineering and Usable Security, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 12 Apr 2023 more
. -
Digital Health and Assistive Technology Exemplars, University of Malta, Msida, Malta, 26 Oct 2022 more
. -
Assistive Technology Research at BU, Global Disability Innovation Hub, UCL, 01 Feb 2022 more
Case studies of user ability detection, accessibility requirements capture and provision of Assistive Technology recommendations -
Interactive Management & Soft Systems, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar, 08 Nov 2020 more
Guest Lecture -
Intelligent Assistive Living Technology (iALT), Galatasaray University, Turkey, 17 Apr 2019 more
Digital Toolkit for Improving Quality of Life For People With Reduced Physical Abilities -
An Assistive Technology Framework: SmartAbility, Villa College, Male, The Maldives, 02 Oct 2018 more
Sensor based detection of abilities and provision of Assistive Technology (AT) recommendations -
HCI: Usability Enquiry, Inspection and Evaluation, Villa College, Male, The Maldives, 01 Oct 2018 more
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Guest Lecture -
Human Factors in Systems Safety and Security, Sponsored by IEEE SMC Society, Bournemouth, UK, 07 Jul 2017 more
Role of Human Factors in Addressing SoS Complexity and Security -
Systems of Systems challenges of the 21st Century!, University of Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, UK, 19 Nov 2014 more
The development and management of capability reflecting the Systems of Systems challenges of the 21st Century! -
Engineering Systems of Systems and Capability, Lydiard House, Swindon, UK, 11 Jun 2014 more
INCOSE UK Tutorial -
A Strategic Research Agenda for Systems of Systems, South Coast Local Group, INCOSE UK, UK, 16 Jun 2013 more
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) UK -
Systems Design & Unified Modelling Language (UML), BBC Academy, White City & Elstree, UK, 04 Jun 2013 more
Delivering UML to BBC Software Engineers -
Capability Management and Systems of Systems, Royal School of Signals, Blandford, UK, 07 Nov 2012 more
Guest Lecture to MSc students at the Royal School of Signals
- Cyber Resilience and Safety Analysis in MBSE (Dstl, 13 Nov 2024). Awarded
- Advances in skin cancer diagnostics (Skin Cancer Research, 20 Jun 2024). Awarded
- User Experience Research: Point of View Playbook (Google, 01 May 2024). Awarded
- Volatile organic compounds as diagnostic biomarkers of skin cancer (Charitable foundation, 17 Apr 2024). Awarded
- Evaluation of a portable device for skin cancer detection (HEIF6, 12 Apr 2024). Awarded
- COMbAT Fatigue: COproduction and evaluation of a self-MAnagemenT intervention for post-stroke Fatigue (National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), 01 Apr 2024). Awarded
- Rapid On-Site Detection Of Skin Cancer In Primary Care (The Valentine Charitable Trust, 06 Feb 2024). Awarded
- Rapid On-Site Detection Of Skin Cancer In Primary Care (Sir Samuel Scott of Yews Trust, 30 Jan 2024). Awarded
- FACETS digital toolkit: extending its reach and piloting (MS Research Treatment & Education, 01 Nov 2023). Awarded
- Digital Health interventions for Blue Light Forces (Hampshire Constabulary, 01 Sep 2023). Awarded
- Automated Risk-Informed Decision-Making in complex, dynamic, uncertain environments (Dstl, 19 Sep 2022). Awarded
- Prototype Development and Hosting of the Digital Nutrition Wheel (Age UK, 01 May 2022). Completed
- UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards (UKRI, 01 Sep 2021). Awarded
- Health and Wellbeing Application Development for Hampshire Constabulary (Hampshire Constabulary, 01 Jul 2021). Completed
- Promoting technology for self-care for people who are sleeping rough (ProTechS) (Burdett Trust for Nursing, 02 Mar 2021). Completed
- Authentibility Pass (DCMS/Innovate UK, 24 Sep 2020). Completed
- Digital Passport for Accessible Authentication (DP4AA) (DCMS/Innovate UK, 01 Apr 2020). Completed
- Assistive Technology for Special Educational Needs and Disability (AT4SEND) (QR, Faculty of Science and Technology, 06 Jan 2020). Completed
- Cancer Sensing: Metabolomics and data driven predictive modelling for non-invasive early detection of skin cancer (AboutFace, 02 Jan 2020). Awarded
- TAPCHA: Online Fraud Detection and Prevention (DCMS/Innovate UK, 23 Sep 2019). Completed
- TAPCHA - a mobile first, non-instrusive and customisable CAPTCHA scheme (DCMS/Innovate UK, 01 Apr 2019). Completed
- Integrating Safety, Security, and Human Factors Engineering (Ricardo plc, 03 Sep 2018). Completed
- QR Funding, B2B Marketing conference: The power of digitalisation (QR, Faculty of Management, 06 May 2018). Completed
- FACETS: Digital Toolkit for MS Fatigue Management (Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF-6), 01 Oct 2017). Completed
- SmartAbility and SmartPowerchair: Detection of User Abilities and Development of Integrated Assistive Technologies (BU Quality Research, 25 Sep 2017). Completed
- cFACETs - Fatigue: Applying Cognitive behavioural and Energy effectiveness Techniques to lifestyle (Phase 2) (MS Society, 01 Sep 2017). Completed
- Bournemouth University Computer Human Interaction (BUCHI) (Bournemouth University, Fusion Investment Fund, FIF strand: Staff Mobility and Networking, 04 Jan 2015). Completed
- Co-creating a Multiple Choice Question repository with students and for all students (Bournemouth University, Fusion Investment Fund, FIF strand: Co-creation and co-production, 30 Nov 2014). Completed
- IT HoP: Information Technology Hub of Practice (Bournemouth University, Fusion Investment Fund, FIF strand: Co-creation and co-production, 30 Nov 2014). Completed
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Course in Systems Design (The BBC Academy, 04 Jun 2012). Completed
- Information Flow Analysis and Social Network Methods (BAE Systems, 01 Feb 2010). Completed
- Managing Knowledge for Capability Engineering (EPSRC, BAE Systems, 01 Jul 2008). Completed
- Human Factors Integration for Future Rapid Effect System (FRES) (BAE Systems and Ministry of Defence, 01 Dec 2006). Completed
- Web Based HCI Design Aid for SELEX-SAS (SELEX Galileo, 10 Sep 2006). Completed
- Enhancements to e-Learning (Microsoft, 01 Feb 2004). Completed
External Responsibilities
- OCCE 2024 – IFIP TC3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, Honorary Chair (2024)
- City, University of London, External Examiner (2023-)
- Smart Homes and Independent Living Commission, Policy Connect, Academic Representative (2021-2022)
- All-Party Parliamentary Group For Assistive Technology, Member (2019-)
- University of the West of England (UWE) and partner institutions including Villa College (The Maldives), Global College of Engineering and Technology (Oman), and Northshore College (Sri Lanka), External Examiner (2016-2021)
- Cambridge Access Validating Agency (CAVA) Access to HE Computing, External Moderator (2015-2019)
- INCOSE UK Capability Working Group, Ontology Work Stream Lead (2011-2012)
- IEEE System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) Conference, Session Chair (2013)
- IEEE System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) Conference, Review Process Chair (2012)
- Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) Conference, Session Chair for Human Factors Integration (2011)
- Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) Conference, Session Chair for Defence (2010)
- IEEE Systems Journal, Reviewer
- International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) International Symposium, Reviewer
- BCS Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference, Reviewer
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Conference, Reviewer
- Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) Conference, Session Chair for Systems (2014)
- INCOSE UK, One-day tutorial, Presenter (2014)
- BCS Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference, General Co-Chair (2016)
- Interacting with Computers (IwC) Journal, Reviewer
- Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), Reviewer
Internal Responsibilities
- Leader, Research Excellence Framework (REF) UOA 11: Computer Science & Informatics (2022 - Present)
- Director, Computing and Informatics Research Centre (2021 - Present)
- Chair, Departmental Teaching Committee (2021-2023)
- Chair, Departmental Research and Professional Practice Committee (DRPPC) (2021 - 2023)
- Acting Deputy Head of Department, Computing and Informatics (2021 - 2023)
- Programme Leader, MSc Digital Health (2019-2021)
- Link Tutor, BBC CPD Framework (2012-2017)
- Academic Representative, Science, Technology and Health Research Ethics Panel (2014-2016)
- Member, Faculty Academic Standards Committee (FST FASC) (2015-2017)
- Member, Quality Assurance and Enhancement Group (2015-Present)
- Programme Leader, MSc Information Technology (2013-2015)
- Framework Leader, Masters Computing Framework with 4 MSc Programmes (2013-2015)
- Framework Leader, SciTech CPD Framework (2014-2017)
- Programmes Coordinator, Undergraduate Computing (UG) with 6 BSc programmes (2015-2017)
- Co-Founder & Co-Chair, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Research Group (2015 - 2023)
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Cyber Resilience and Human Factors, GoCrisis Resilience Leader's Week 2024, Cumberland Lodge, Winsor, UK (20 Feb 2024)
- Creating a User Experience Research (UXR) Point of View Playbook, User eXperience University (UXU), Google, USA (Online). (07 Nov 2023)
- 3nd International Staff Week, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia. (14 Apr 2023-28 Apr 2023)
- Usable Security, Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility Fund, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. (03 Apr 2023-05 Apr 2023)
- 41st International Education Fairs of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey. (17 Mar 2023-19 Mar 2023)
- Assistive Technology: EduAbility Application, Agenzija Sapport (Support Agency), Malta. (26 Oct 2022)
- Digital Health and Assistive Technology, Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility Fund, University of Malta. (24 Oct 2022-28 Oct 2022)
- Assistive Technology and Digital Health, Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility Fund, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey. (18 Apr 2022-24 Apr 2022)
- Digital Health and Wellbeing, Keynote Speaker at ICSRI 2021, Villa College, Male, The Maldives (Online). (06 Nov 2021)
- Computing and Informatics Webinar, International Education Fairs of Turkey (IEFT), Istanbul, Turkey. (15 Dec 2020)
- How artificial intelligence, robotics and bionics influence accessibility and inclusion. The MCAA 7th General Assembly and Annual Conference, Zagreb, Croatia. (29 Mar 2020)
- The development and evaluation of the SmartAbility Android Application: detection of reduced physical abilities through smartphone sensors, 16th Symposium, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Research, BU. (09 Oct 2019)
- The 2nd Assistive Technology Symposium, 24 June 2019, Bournemouth University, UK. (24 Jun 2019)
- Assistive Technology Showcase, Leonard Cheshire, London, UK. (08 May 2019)
- EdTech For SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Symposium, House of Lords, UK Parliament. (01 May 2019)
- Building Bridges and Finding Opportunity in Uncertain Times: Challenges with Partnerships Centred on Research and Teaching, EURIE 2019 - Eurasia Higher Education Summit, Istanbul, Turkey. (17 Feb 2019-19 Mar 2019)
- BBC Radio Solent, Drivetime Programme, 5 minutes interview about the Assistive Technology research at Bournemouth University, UK (30 Nov 2018)
- BBC 1 South Today interview about the Assistive Technology research at Bournemouth University, UK. (30 Nov 2018)
- Human Computer Interaction (HCI): Usability Enquiry, Inspection and Evaluation, Villa College, Male, The Maldives. (01 Oct 2018)
- Assistive Living Technologies (ALT) Symposium, Bournemouth, UK. (21 Jun 2018-21 May 2018)
- The Development of a SmartAbility Framework to Enhance Multimodal Interaction for People with Reduced Physical Ability, Designability Charity Ltd, Bath, UK. (22 Jan 2018)
- The Mobility Roadshow, Silverstone Race Track, UK (25 May 2016-28 May 2016)
- Enhancing End User Experience through Multimodal Interactions: Two Case Studies (10 Mar 2016)
- Ergonomic Design – creating freedoms and potential for people living with disability (07 Oct 2015)
- Human Computer Interaction for You and Your Business, Festival of Learning, Bournemouth, UK. (13 Jul 2015)
- Engineering Systems of Systems and Capability, International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE UK), Tutorial, Swindon, UK. (11 Jun 2014)
- Situational Awareness and Cyber Security, National Engineering Foundation (NEF) Cyber Security Master Class, Bournemouth, UK. (19 Nov 2013)
- PG Cert in Education Practice (Bournemouth University, 2014)
- EngD in Systems Engineering (Loughborough University, 2013)
- MSc in Human Computer Interaction with Ergonomics (University College London (UCL), 2004)
- BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Queen Mary University of London, 2003)
- Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusivity Award (IEEE International Conference on E-Business Engineering (ICEBE), 2023)
- Graduate School Research Student Prize 2010, awarded for outstanding academic performance and academic achievement. (Loughborough University, 2010)
- Best UK Online Centre in London Award: the centre, managed by myself and an ICT tutor came 1st competing with over 900 centres in London. (UK Online Centre, 2003)
- The Higher Education Academy (HEA), Fellow (2014-),
- The International Council Of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Systems of Systems Working Group, Member (2012-2016),
- The International Council Of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Capability Working Group, Member (2011-2013),
- The International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response & Management (ISCRAM), Member (2005-2008),
- The British Computer Society (BCS), Member,
- The Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Member,
- The Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors (IEHF), Member,
- The International Council Of Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Member,
Social Media Links
Website Links
External Media and Press
- Digital self-management programme to support stroke survivors to manage fatigue, BU News, 05 Dec 2024.
- Uni partners up to tackle maternity care inequality, Daily Echo (Bournemouth) and BU News, 02 Dec 2024.
- BU team develops app to support police wellbeing, Bournemouth University News, 21 Jun 2023.
- Blue Light App springs into action, POLICE magazine, 16 Jun 2023.
- Bournemouth University’s Assistive Technology Research to Increase Independence, Global Disability Innovation Hub, 01 Aug 2022.
- Interview (5 mins) with Dr Huseyin Dogan about the Assistive Technology research at Bournemouth University, BBC Radio Solent, Drivetime Programme, 30 Nov 2018.
- Interview with Dr Paul Whittington and Dr Huseyin Dogan about the Assistive Technology research at Bournemouth University, BBC 1 South Today, 30 Nov 2018.
- “A Key Driver For Change”. Article about driverless cars featuring the SmartATRS System., The Sunday Times, 21 Oct 2018.
- New technology to help people with disabilities, Bournemouth Echo, 01 May 2018.
- Improving life for people with disabilities, The Ergonomist, 03 Aug 2015.