Towards a systems of systems engineering EU strategic research agenda

Authors: Henson, S.A., Henshaw, M.J.D., Barot, V., Siemieniuch, C.E., Sinclair, M.A., Jamshidi, M., Dogan, H., Lim, S.L., Ncube, C. and DeLaurentis, D.

Journal: Proceedings of 2013 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering: SoSE in Cloud Computing and Emerging Information Technology Applications, SoSE 2013

Pages: 99-104

DOI: 10.1109/SYSoSE.2013.6575250


This paper presents the work undertaken so far in the formulation of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for research in Systems of Systems Engineering in the EU. The T-AREA-SoS project is introduced to provide a context, together with a section on Drivers for Change which the SRA needs to take into account. The strategy and process for the generation of the SRA is described, followed by details of outputs to date and the potential benefits it is believed would accrue from the implementation of the SRA. © 2013 IEEE.

Source: Scopus

Preferred by: Huseyin Dogan

Towards a Systems of Systems Engineering EU Strategic Research Agenda

Authors: Henson, S.A., Henshaw, J.D., Barot, V., Siemieniuch, C.E., Sinclair, M.A., Dogan, H., Lim, S.L., Ncube, C., Jamshidi, M. and DeLaurentis, D.


Pages: 99-104

ISBN: 978-1-4673-5596-4

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Towards a Systems of Systems Engineering EU Strategic Research Agenda.

Authors: Henson, S.A., Henshaw, M.J.D., Barot, V., Siemieniuch, C.E., Sinclair, M.A., Jamshidi, M.M., Dogan, H., Lim, S.L., Ncube, C. and DeLaurentis, D.

Journal: SoSE

Pages: 99-104

Publisher: IEEE

ISBN: 978-1-4673-5596-4

Source: DBLP