Branding success in post-92 HEIs
Authors: O'Sullivan, H.
Conference: The 7th Annual Postgraduate Conference
Dates: 20-21 January 2015
Abstract:“Students have become customers, and universities have become vendors. Students arrive on campuses as consumers first and students second”.
(O’Meara, K.A. 2001).
An education is a ‘product’ like no other, and monetising undergraduate degrees introduces marketing and branding challenges that are truly unique.
How UK HEI brands can be measured and understood in a changing marketplace is the focus of this doctoral research and the subject of this presentation. The research looks at the current branding challenges of UK HEIs and considerers how universities are measuring the effectiveness of their brand, in comparison to how HEI brands are experienced and perceived by students and their wider circle of ‘influencers’. Understanding how students are defining and measuring HEI brand values to make their decision will help universities better align themselves to attract students.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Helen O'Sullivan