Impact of Heritage & Cultural Capital and Destination Perceived Quality & Values

Authors: Roushan, G.


Dates: 18-20 June 2015


Tourism is widely documented nonetheless that the tourism experience and destination attachment have been superficially represented. Scholars agree that the field of tourist experience and destination attachment is under-researched. The extant tourism literature is very scant and embryonic on cultural capital, heritage capital, and tourist experience and destination passion & love. Hence, this study examines the effect of cultural capital, heritage capital and tourists’ destination attachment passion through tourist destination perceived quality and values in Turks and Caicos Islands. Drawing upon various disciplines: sociology for cultural capital construct, geography for heritage capital, marketing and tourism for tourist experience and destination attachment passion, we operationalise the aforementioned scales of our research instrument which was piloted, and then administered to 199 participants with 176 usable cases. The results of structural equation modelling analysis indicate that our hypothetical predictions are supported with the exception of heritage capital which does not directly lead to tourist satisfaction. Consequently, this study provides rich and insightful explanations of tourist passion for tourism destination attachment.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Gelareh Roushan