Making a difference: Can ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’ increase awareness of dementia and help people affected by the condition to feel supported and valued within their community?
Authors: Heward, M., Cutler, C., Innes, A. and Hambidge, S.
Conference: 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference
Dates: 2-4 September 2015
Abstract:A Dementia Friendly Community (DFC) is a community where people with dementia are empowered and feel confident, knowing they can contribute and participate in activities that are meaningful to them. In Dorset, seven independent DFC initiatives were created to increase awareness of dementia. The project was evaluated using a mixed methods approach, including questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. The evaluation examined the experiences of people with dementia and their carers, members of the public, Project Workers from the localities, and businesses that became involved, during the first year of activity. Within each locality an increase in dementia awareness raising activity was noted. A successful mechanism for raising awareness within a local community was to provide one person with information about dementia to disseminate to others. Although, limited involvement of people with dementia and their carers meant it was challenging to ensure their perspectives were included. For DFC’s to develop an inclusive, community focused approach to becoming dementia friendly, it is suggested that they follow guidance that identifies 10 areas of focus: involvement of people with dementia, challenge stigma and build understanding, accessible community activities, acknowledge potential, ensure an early diagnosis, practical support to enable engagement in community life, community-based solutions, consistent and reliable travel options, easy to navigate environments, and respectful and responsive businesses and services. By raising awareness of dementia within communities, DFC’s can make a difference to people affected by the condition. However, establishing networks and connections within a community takes time and is an on-going task for all DFC’s to contend with.
Source: Manual