Dr Michelle Heward
- 01202 962538
- mheward at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4492-3726
- Lecturer in Psychology
Michelle Heward is Lecturer in Psychology and Service User and Carer Involvement Lead in the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre at Bournemouth University. Her research focuses on health and social care and support for older people and people with dementia and includes the evaluation of interventions. She is particularly interested in digital technologies and innovation, workforce development and service delivery, inclusive and engaging environments, and co-production and user involvement. She is a social scientist interested in inclusive approaches for research using qualitative and mixed methodologies and the delivery of training using innovative methodologies. She regularly teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate level and facilitates training sessions for care providers, public engagement events, seminars and workshops.
Michelle is passionate about user involvement in research and has experience of involving older people, people with dementia, family carers and other key stakeholders in research... Michelle co-facilitates the ADRC Virtual Research Coffee Mornings, where researchers and practitioners engage with members of the public socially and to share ideas for research.
Michelle is the Co-Chair of the BU Research Staff Association, a BU Research Staff Representative, and a UK Research Staff Association Representative (South of England). She is keen to promote positive research culture at BU and ensure that researchers are aware of the Research Concordat, have opportunities to disseminate their work, discuss career opportunities, and feedback about their experiences of working at BU: https://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/researcher-toolbox/bu-research-staff-association/
Prior to joining Bournemouth University, Michelle completed an interdisciplinary Doctoral study focused on the role of technology in supporting mobility and independence in later life funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council at the University of Southampton. She was a Research Assistant at the University of Southampton working on a project exploring drug and alcohol use amongst children and young people. Michelle also held a Community Engagement role for the Fire Service, where she gained experience of public engagement methodologies, partnership working and data sharing practices.
Michelle is happy to supervise post-graduate students within her area of expertise.
Digital technologies and innovation
She is currently a National Institute for Health and care Research School for Social Care ‘Individual Research Career Development Award’ holder leading a project focused on digital innovation in care homes, working with colleagues across BU as well as other external collaborators. During this project she is developing a national network of contacts to help understand the research gaps, exchange ideas and co-produce a list of priority areas of focus. The aim is to develop further opportunities for collaboration and grant applications with colleagues within and outside of BU – please get in touch if you are interested in this topic area and would like to find out more.
Her interest in digital technology stems from her Doctoral study which examined the role of information and communication technology in supporting mobility and independence in later life funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Her thesis argues that through the facilitation of virtual mobility, technology can offer older people an important alternative to physical mobility and should be explored in policies aimed at supporting older people’s well-being and social inclusion.
Workforce development and service delivery
Bournemouth University were commissioned by Health Education England (HEE) to develop and evaluate the ‘Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2’ (DEALTS 2) programme. Michelle is taking a leading role in the evaluation of impact of DEALTS2 on clinical practice and has published the findings in academic journals... The simulation approach enables staff to consider experiences from the point of view of a person living with dementia. The team hypothesize that this will enable staff to make positive changes to how they care and support people with dementia.
In 2018, DEALTS2 was shortlisted for 9th National Dementia Care Award – Best Dementia Training Initiative.
Inclusive and engaging environments
Co-production and user involvement
This is a developing area of research for Michelle. She has been awarded funding from the British Society of Gerontology to run an event in 2023 to identify future directions for ageing and dementia research with local older people. Michelle would like to support a group of older people interested in becoming co-researchers to take forwards ideas from the event. Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more.
moreExpertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Journal Articles
- Bradley, L., Shanker, S., Murphy, J., Fenge, L.A. and Heward, M., 2023. Effectiveness of digital technologies to engage and support the wellbeing of people with dementia and family carers at home and in care homes: A scoping review. Dementia, 22 (6), 1292-1313.
- Heward, M., Hicks, B., Hedges, B., Gaden, R. and Wiener, J.M., 2023. Experiences of age-related declining navigation abilities and impact on use of outdoor environments: a qualitative study of young-old adults with self-reported memory difficulties. Ageing and Society.
- Heward, M., Adams, A., Hicks, B. and Wiener, J., 2022. 'We go for a homely feel ... not the clinical dementia side': Care home managers' experiences of supporting residents with dementia to orientate and navigate care environments. Ageing and Society, 42 (7), 1659-1685.
- Heward, M., Spriggs, A., Board, M., El-Zein, R., Murphy, J., Zietara, J., Lorenti, R. and Ashton-Gough, C., 2022. Taking simulation-based dementia education online. Journal of Dementia Care, 30 (2), 13.
- Heward, M., Johnson, L. and Nyman, S.R., 2022. Evaluation of strategies to recruit and retain older people with dementia and their informal carers into a Tai Chi Trial to improve balance and prevent falls. J Frailty Sarcopenia Falls, 7 (1), 1-12.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2021. Barriers and enablers to implementing ‘DEALTS2’ simulation-based train-the–trainer dementia training programme in hospital settings across England: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1).
- Barrado-Martín, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. and Nyman, S.R., 2021. Adherence to the class-based component of a tai chi exercise intervention for people living with dementia and their informal carers. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29 (5), 721-734.
- Barrado-Martín, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. and Nyman, S.R., 2021. People living with dementia and their family carers’ adherence to home-based Tai Chi practice. Dementia, 20 (5), 1586-1603.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Emerson, L. and Murphy, J., 2021. Impact of ‘DEALTS2’ education intervention on trainer dementia knowledge and confidence to utilise innovative training approaches: A national pre-test – post-test survey. Nurse Education Today, 97.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2020. Design and evaluation protocol for 'DEALTS 2': A simulation-based dementia education intervention for acute care settings. International Psychogeriatrics, 32 (12), 1439-1448.
- Heward, M. and Kelly, F., 2020. Research and education to understand fire risks associated with dementia: A collaborative case study (innovative practice). Dementia, 19 (7), 2477-2483.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Zietara, J. and Murphy, J., 2019. Enhanced Education – a simulation-based approach. The Journal of Dementia Care, 27 (5).
- Barrado-Martín, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. and Nyman, S.R., 2019. Acceptability of a Dyadic Tai Chi intervention for older people living with dementia and their informal carers. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 27 (2), 166-183.
- Nyman, S.R., Innes, A. and Heward, M., 2017. Social care and support needs of community-dwelling people with dementia and concurrent visual impairment. Aging and Mental Health, 21 (9), 961-967.
- Heward, M., Innes, A., Cutler, C. and Hambidge, S., 2016. Dementia-friendly communities: Challenges and strategies for achieving stakeholder involvement. Health and Social Care in the Community.
- Heward, M., Palfreman-Kay, J. and Innes, A., 2015. In their words: how television and visual media can raise awareness of dementia and other health conditions that carry stigma, including disabilities. Journal of Popular Television, 3 (2), 229.
- Heward, M., 2015. Older people's perspectives on virtual mobility. Gerontechnology, 13 (4), 396-404.
- Heward, M., 2008. What role could technology play in assisting the mobility of older people? A case study of handheld navigational devices. Generations Review, 18 (3).
- Heward, M., Murphy, J. and Fenge, L.-A., 2023. Engagement of people with dementia in care homes with digital technologies: A mixed methods study. In: Dementia Congress 7-8 November 2023 Birmingham.
- Brittain, G. and Heward, M., 2023. Experiential learning: An evaluation of a dementia training approach in a national care organisation. In: Dementia Congress 7-8 November 2023 Birmingham.
- Heward, M., Fenge, L. and Murphy, J., 2023. Engagement of people with dementia in care homes using digital technologies: Reflections on involving experts by experience. In: British Society of Gerontology 5-7 July 2023 University of East Anglia.
- Heward, M., Adams, A., Hicks, B. and Wiener, J., 2020. Manager’s experiences of supporting residents to navigate care homes. In: 15th United Kingdom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2020 virtual.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2020. Implementation and impact of ‘DEALTS2’ dementia education in acute care. In: 15th United Kindgom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2020 Virtual.
- Murphy, J., Board, M. and Heward, M., 2020. Symposium: Innovative training approaches to improve care for people with dementia. In: 15th United Kingdom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2020 Virtual.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2018. ‘Walking in someone else’s shoes’: humanising dementia care through simulated learning. In: Humanising Caring, Health and Wellbeing Conference 21-22 June 2018 Bournemouth.
- Heward, M., Ingram, W.M., Sanders, J.L., Raftery, J. and Nyman, S.R., 2018. Effective strategies to recruit people with dementia and their informal carers into a Tai Chi trial to improve balance and prevent falls. In: 19th International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability 14 September 2018 Leeds, UK.
- Barrado-Martín, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. and Nyman, S., 2018. How is Tai Chi received by people living with dementia and their informal carers? In: 47th Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology (BSG2018) 4-6 July 2018 Manchester.
- Board, M., Heward, M., Murphy, J., Spriggs, A. and phipps, L., 2018. Getting the message across – seeing the person not the diagnosis in dementia care education. In: NetNep 2018 5-9 May 2018 Banff Canada.
- Barrado-Martín, Y., Nyman, S.R., Heward, M. and Polman, R., 2017. Acceptability of a tai chi intervention for people living with dementia and their informal carers. In: European Health Psychology Society 29 August-2 September 2017 Padova, Italy.
- Heward, M., 2017. ‘Nothing about us without us’: The value of involving older people, including those with dementia, when developing technological innovations to support their health and well-being. In: British Council/Newton Fund Employing Information and Communications Technologies in Homes and Cities for the Health and Well-Being of Older People (ICT4HOP '17) 14-16 August 2017 Bradford.
- Heward, M., Murphy, J., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Emerson, L., 2017. Integrating humanisation into practice: a dementia education and learning case study. In: Humanising Caring, Health and Wellbeing Conference 29-30 June 2017 Bournemouth.
- Heward, M. and kelly, F., 2016. Promoting excellence in hospital care for people with dementia: a UK case study. In: 26th Annual Conference of Alzheimer Europe 31 October-2 November 2016 Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Kelly, F. and Heward, M., 2016. Improving the experience and outcomes of people with dementia in acute hospital. In: British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 6-8 July 2016 Striling Scotland.
- Heward, M. and kelly, F., 2016. Unintended consequences: a dichotomy between ethics and practice for practitioners and professionals. In: Everyday Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare: Power, Politics and Practices Conference 10 May 2016 London.
- Heward, M. and kelly, F., 2016. Fire safety in the home: local lessons - global reach. In: 31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International 21-24 April 2016 Budapest, Hungary.
- Heward, M. and Kelly, F., 2015. Fire risks and safety strategies in the homes of people with dementia. In: 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference 2 September-4 October 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Heward, M., Cutler, C., Innes, A. and Hambidge, S., 2015. Making a difference: Can ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’ increase awareness of dementia and help people affected by the condition to feel supported and valued within their community? In: 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference 2-4 September 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Heward, M., 2014. Museums and dementia: Current research and approaches to evaluating work with people affected by dementia. In: Arts and Health South West 9th Annual Conference 20 November 2014 Taunton.
- Bray, J., Heward, M., Evans, S., Nyman, S. and Innes, A., 2014. The social care and support needs of adults with concurrent dementia and visual impairment. In: United Kingdom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2014 Brighton.
- Heward, M., Cutler, C., Innes, A. and Hambidge, S., 2014. What makes a Dementia-Friendly Community? Findings from the Dorset Dementia-Friendly Community (DDFC) project evaluation. In: United Kingdom Dementia Congress 10-12 November 2014 Brighton.
- Nyman, S., Evans, S., Innes, A., Bray, J. and Heward, M., 2014. The Social Care and Support Needs of adults with concurrent Dementia and Sight Loss. In: Alzheimer’s Europe 20-22 October 2014 Glasgow.
- Heward, M., Palfreman-Kay, J., Innes, A. and Hambidge, S., 2014. Exploring the use of video within social media as a method to raise awareness and challenge gaps in perceptions and understanding of dementia. In: British Society of Gerontology Annual conference, 1-3 September 2014 Southampton.
- Nyman, S., Innes, A. and Heward, M., 2014. Developing best practice in social care and support for adults with concurrent sight loss and dementia within different housing settings. In: North Sea European Dementia Conference 1 May 2014 France.
- Heward, M. and O'Malley, M., 2014. Dementia Friendly Environments. In: South Health Care Expo 24 April 2014 Cardiff.
- Heward, M., Bradley, L. and Ellis-Hill, C., 2023. Evaluation of Drumming for Dementia online course. Bournemouth University.
- Heward, M. and Kelly, F., 2017. Fire Safety Innovations for People Affected by Dementia - Evaluation Report. Bournemouth Univeristy.
- Heward, M. and Kelly, F., 2016. Evaluation of Acute Care Development Programme - Detailed Report. Bournemouth University.
- Heward, M., Kelly, F., Innes, A., Reynolds, L. and Cutts, W., 2016. Stepping into Nature: Evaluation Report on Focus Group findings. Bournemouth University.
- Heward, M. and kelly, F., 2015. Fire Safety Innovations for People Affected by Dementia – Report on the focus group and survey findings. Bournemouth University.
- Heward, M., Kelly, F. and Innes, A., 2015. Strategic Clinical Network: Dementia Pathway Redesign - Report on the Focus Group Findings. Bournemouth University.
- Heward, M., kelly, F. and innes, A., 2014. Strategic Clinical Network: Dementia Pathway Redesign – Literature Review. Bournemouth University.
- Innes, A., Cutler, C., Heward, M. and Hambidge, S., 2014. Dorset Dementia Friendly Communities Project: Final Evaluation Report. Bournemouth University.
- Innes, A., Nyman, S. and Heward, M., 2014. Developing best practice in social care and support for adults with concurrent sight loss and dementia within different housing settings: Report of the analysis of interviews with people with dementia and concurrent sight loss. Bournemouth University.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A. and Murphy, J., 2021. Implementation and impact of Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS2) programme. In: Health Education England South West Digital and Workforce Showcase.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2019. Implementation and evaluation of Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS2) Programme. In: Alzheimer's Society Annual Conference.
- Heward, M., Board, M., Spriggs, A., Blagden, D. and Murphy, J., 2018. Implementation and evaluation of Dementia Education and Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS 2) programme. In: 13th UK Dementia Congress 2018.
- Barrado-Martin, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. and Nyman, S.R., 2018. What are the views of people living with dementia and their informal carers getting involved in Tai Chi practice? In: Alzheimer Europe conference.
- Barrado-Martín, Y., Heward, M., Polman, R. and Nyman, S.R., 2018. How is Tai Chi received by people living with dementia and their informal carers? In: European Falls Festival.
- Heward, M., Cutler, C., Innes, A. and Hambidge, S., 2014. Making a difference: Can ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’ increase awareness of dementia and help people affected by the condition to feel supported and valued within their community? In: Dementia: Improving quality through collaboration across Wessex.
- Heward, M. and Moore, S., 2016. Fire safety in the homes of people with dementia. Emergency Services Times. Published.
- Heward, M., Nyman, S. and Innes, A., 2015. Care and support needs of people with dementia and sight loss. Innov-Age. Published.
PhD Students
- Yolanda Barrado-Martín, 2020. Process evaluation of a Tai Chi exercise intervention to prevent falls among older people with dementia
- Digital Futures in Dementia Care: Identifying innovation and priorities for research in care homes (NIHR SSCR Individual Research Career Development Award, 01 Nov 2022). In Progress
- Evaluation of Drumming for Dementia course (Nature Therapy Community Interest Company, 01 Oct 2021). In Progress
- Improving dementia diagnosis through older adult’s navigation experiences (Alzheimer's Research UK, 01 Jun 2021). In Progress
- Minimising disorientation in care homes: Experiences of care home staff (ACORN Early Carer Researcher Development Fund, Bournemouth University, 10 May 2018). Completed
- Employing Information and Communications Technologies in Homes and Cities for the Health and Well-Being of Older People (ICT4HOP '17) (British Council/Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop, 14 Nov 2017). Completed
- Dementia Education And Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS 2) Programme (Health Education England, 01 Dec 2016). In Progress
- Evaluation of Acute Care Development Programme (Wessex Academic Health Sciences Network, 01 Sep 2015). Completed
- Fire Safety Innovations for People Affected by Dementia (Inspired by 2012: Health and Wellbeing Legacy Fund, 01 Mar 2015). Completed
- Living Well with Dementia Video Project (BU, Healthwatch Dorset, 05 Jan 2014). Completed
Internal Responsibilities
- Co-Chair, Bournemouth University Research Staff Association
- Research Staff Representative, Research Concordat Steering Group (RCSG)
- Research Staff Representative, University Research and Professional Practice Committee (URPPC).
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- ADRC Festival of Learning 2017
- RSA Festival of Learning event 2017
- Pint of Science event 2017
Attended Training
- Public and Patient Involvement Training: Skills-based sessions for researchers, 02 Jul 2020
- NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Wessex Faculty, Member (2020-), https://www.arc-wx.nihr.ac.uk/about-us/arc-wessex-membership/our-members/
- Higher Education Academy, Fellow (2017-),
- Higher Education Dementia Network, Member (2017-),
- British Society of Gerontology, Member (2014-),