Persona-driven information security awareness

Authors: Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S. and Beckers, K.

Journal: Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2016

Volume: 2016-July


Because human factors are a root cause of security breaches in many organisations, security awareness activities are often used to address problematic behaviours and improve security culture. Previous work has found that personas are useful for identifying audience needs & goals when designing and implementing awareness campaigns. We present a six-step security awareness process both driven by and centred around the use of personas. This can be embedded into business-as-usual activities, with 90-day cycles of awareness themes. We evaluated this process by using it to devise a security awareness campaign for a digital agency. Our results suggest a persona-centred security awareness approach is adaptable to business constraints, and contributes towards addressing security risks.

Source: Scopus

Persona-Driven Information Security Awareness

Authors: Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S. and Beckers, K.

Conference: 30th British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Fusion

Dates: 11-15 July 2016

Source: Manual

Persona-Driven Information Security Awareness.

Authors: Ki-Aries, D., Faily, S. and Beckers, K.

Editors: Faily, S., Jiang, N., Dogan, H. and Taylor, J.

Journal: BCS HCI

Publisher: BCS

Source: DBLP

Persona-Driven Information Security Awareness

Authors: Ki-Aries, D. and Faily, S.

Conference: 30th British HCI Group Annual Conference on People and Computers: Fusion


Because human factors are a root cause of security breaches in many organisations, security awareness activities are often used to address problematic behaviours and improve security culture. Previous work has found that personas are useful for identifying audience needs & goals when designing and implementing awareness campaigns. We present a six-step security awareness process both driven by and centred around the use of personas. This can be embedded into business-as-usual activities, with 90-day cycles of awareness themes. We evaluated this process by using it to devise a security awareness campaign for a digital agency. Our results suggest a persona-centred security awareness approach is adaptable to business constraints, and contributes towards addressing security risks.

Source: BURO EPrints