Radiation-aware data propagation in wireless sensor networks

Authors: Angelopoulos, C.M., Nikoletseas, S., Patroumpa, D. and Raptopoulos, C.

Journal: MobiWac'12 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access

Pages: 11-17

DOI: 10.1145/2386995.2386998


This research further investigates the recently introduced (in [4]) paradigm of radiation awareness in ambient environments with abundant heterogeneous wireless networking from a distributed computing perspective. We call radiation at a point of a wireless network the total amount of electro- magnetic quantity the point is exposed to; our definition incorporates the effect of topology as well as the time domain and environment aspects. Even if the impact of radiation to human health remains largely unexplored and controversial, we believe it is worth trying to understand and control, in a way that does not decrease much the quality of service offered to users of the wireless network. In particular, we here focus on the fundamental problem of efficient data propagation in wireless sensor networks, trying to keep latency low while maintaining at low levels the radiation cumulated by wireless transmissions. We first pro- pose greedy and oblivious routing heuristics that are radiation aware. We then combine them with temporal back-off schemes that use local properties of the network (e.g. number of neighbours, distance from sink) in order to \spread" radiation in a spatio-temporal way. Our proposed radiation aware routing heuristics succeed to keep radiation levels low, while not increasing latency. Copyright 2012 ACM.

Source: Scopus

Radiation-aware Data Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors: Angelopoulos, C.M., Nikoletseas, S., Patroumpa, D. and Raptopoulos, C.


Pages: 11-17

ISSN: 1947-8151

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Radiation-aware data propagation in wireless sensor networks

Authors: Angelopoulos, C.M., Nikoletseas, S.E., Patroumpa, D. and Raptopoulos, C.

Journal: Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, MOBIWAC ’12, Paphos, Cyprus, October 21-22, 2012

Pages: 11-18

DOI: 10.1145/2386995.2386998


Source: Manual