Symposium Better Together – A Day Hospitals Move Towards Integrated care
Authors: Board, M., Pigott, L. and Olive, H.
Conference: The British Society of Gerontology 45th Annual Conference
Dates: 6-8 July 2016
Abstract:A core part of the vision in the NHS five year forward view is a fundamentally different role for acute hospitals. The changing needs of the population increases the demand on acute hospitals, and they will not be able to meet these challenges by working alone. This symposium will share examples from the Day Hospital, at an acute NHS Foundation Trust, and how the interdisciplinary team embraced the opportunities to work better together. They were eager to collaborate with all stakeholders and develop their service to meet the needs of their older client group. Indeed the local population is the oldest in the country. To ensure robustness to the changes they wanted to implement the team chose to work with their local HEI and work towards gaining Practice Development Unit accreditation (PDU). Through accreditation, teams are encouraged to question and challenge practice and, by using current evidence, improve services. The PDU development programme ensures the evolution and sharing of proven best practice. This symposium will share some of the examples of how the interdisciplinary team at the Day Hospital have integrated their services for the benefit of their patients, and the staff themselves. Their philosophy of ‘Better Together’ underpins their work.
Source: Manual