Teaching Humanising Nursing Care on a first year Pre Registration Nursing Programme in England

Authors: Waight, S.

Conference: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor society of Nursing, Leadership in Nursing, Scholarship, Practice. How to impact nursing as a caring profession globally

Dates: 6-8 June 2016


Nurse educators search for innovative teaching strategies to prepare nursing students in delivering compassionate humanised nursing care (Kantor 2009). Delivering patient care that is compassionate and person centred is driven by education and national policy in the United Kingdom (Todres et al 2009, Scammell et al 2012, Willis 2015). Humanising Nursing Care is the underpinning philosophy for the pre-registration nursing programme in Bournemouth University. This presentation will guide the audience through teaching and learning strategies developed for first year nursing students, supporting personal and professional development in providing nursing care rooted in compassion and being person centred. Examples will be shared from the curriculum that focus upon exploring adult nursing and understanding what is humanised and dehumanised nursing care. Examples provide insight into the pedagogical approaches used in developing nursing students understanding, knowledge and concept of self in order to provide humanised nursing care. Addressing the conference themes of education learning strategies and the professional development of nurses and the leadership role, the presentation will focus upon key aspects of the teacher learner partnership, teacher identity, student focused learning. An exploration of pedagogical approaches used include reflection upon action, case studies, carer and service user involvement will be provided. The teacher perspective will be explored in moving towards transformational learning of teaching, teaching that is authentic, understanding teacher identity (Kreber 2010). Understanding teacher identity and the personal factors that impact upon students and student learning will be shown to be a significant factor achieving learning outcomes in teaching humanising nursing care. References; Kantor, S. 2010 Pedagogical Change in Nursing Education: One Instructor’s Experience. Journal of Nursing Education. Vol. 49 No. 7 Kreber, C. 2010 Academics’ teacher identities, authenticity and pedagogy. Studies in Higher Education. Vol. 35. No. 2. 171 – 194 Willis, Lord. 2015. Raising the Bar. Shape of Caring: A Review of the Future Education and Training of Registered Nurses and Care Assistants. Health Education England.

Scammell, J., Hemmingway, A., Heaslip, V., 2012. Humanising Values at the Health of Nurse Education. Nursing Times. Vol. 108. No. 41. Todres, L., Galvin, K., Holloway, I., 2009. The Humanization of healthcare: A value framework for qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 4: 68-77

Source: Manual