Recent developments and future challenges in medical mixed reality

Authors: Chen, L., Day, T.W., Tang, W. and John, N.W.

Journal: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2017

Pages: 123-135

DOI: 10.1109/ISMAR.2017.29


Mixed Reality (MR) is of increasing interest within technology- driven modern medicine but is not yet used in everyday practice. This situation is changing rapidly, however, and this paper explores the emergence of MR technology and the importance of its utility within medical applications. A classification of medical MR has been obtained by applying an unbiased text mining method to a database of 1,403 relevant research papers published over the last two decades. The classification results reveal a taxonomy for the development of medical MR research during this period as well as suggesting future trends. We then use the classification to analyse the technology and applications developed in the last five years. Our objective is to aid researchers to focus on the areas where technology advancements in medical MR are most needed, as well as providing medical practitioners with a useful source of reference.

Source: Scopus

Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Medical Mixed Reality

Authors: Chen, L., Day, T.W., Tang, W. and John, N.W.


Pages: 123-135

DOI: 10.1109/ISMAR.2017.29

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Medical Mixed Reality

Authors: Chen, L., Day, T.W., Tang, W. and John, N.W.

Conference: The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)

Dates: 9-13 October 2017


As AR technology matures, we have seen many applicationsemerge in entertainment, education and training. However, the useof AR is not yet common in medical practice, despite the great po-tential of this technology to help not only learning and training inmedicine, but also in assisting diagnosis and surgical guidance. Inthis paper, we present recent trends in the use of AR across all med-ical specialties and identify challenges that must be overcome tonarrow the gap between academic research and practical use of ARin medicine. A database of 1403 relevant research papers publishedover the last two decades has been reviewed by using a novel re-search trend analysis method based on text mining algorithm. Wesemantically identified 10 topics including varies of technologiesand applications based on the non-biased and in-personal cluster-ing results from the Latent Dirichlet Allocatio (LDA) model andanalysed the trend of each topic from 1995 to 2015. The statisticresults reveal a taxonomy that can best describes the developmentof the medical AR research during the two decades. And the trendanalysis provide a higher level of view of how the taxonomy haschanged and where the focus will goes. Finally, based on the valu-able results, we provide a insightful discussion to the current limi-tations, challenges and future directions in the field. Our objectiveis to aid researchers to focus on the application areas in medicalAR that are most needed, as well as providing medical practitioners with latest technology advancements.

Source: Manual

Recent Developments and Future Challenges in Medical Mixed Reality

Authors: Chen, L., Day, T.W., Tang, W. and John, N.W.

Conference: The 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)


As AR technology matures, we have seen many applicationsemerge in entertainment, education and training. However, the useof AR is not yet common in medical practice, despite the great po-tential of this technology to help not only learning and training inmedicine, but also in assisting diagnosis and surgical guidance. Inthis paper, we present recent trends in the use of AR across all med-ical specialties and identify challenges that must be overcome tonarrow the gap between academic research and practical use of ARin medicine. A database of 1403 relevant research papers publishedover the last two decades has been reviewed by using a novel re-search trend analysis method based on text mining algorithm. Wesemantically identified 10 topics including varies of technologiesand applications based on the non-biased and in-personal cluster-ing results from the Latent Dirichlet Allocatio (LDA) model andanalysed the trend of each topic from 1995 to 2015. The statisticresults reveal a taxonomy that can best describes the developmentof the medical AR research during the two decades. And the trendanalysis provide a higher level of view of how the taxonomy haschanged and where the focus will goes. Finally, based on the valu-able results, we provide a insightful discussion to the current limi-tations, challenges and future directions in the field. Our objectiveis to aid researchers to focus on the application areas in medicalAR that are most needed, as well as providing medical practitioners with latest technology advancements.

Source: BURO EPrints