The supportive management of depression and anxiety in ovarian cancer patients experiencing a first recurrence: A qualitative investigation
Authors: Arden-Close, E., Watts, S., Lewith, G., Doe, J., Wilde, B. and Bayne, L.
Volume: 26
Pages: 81
eISSN: 1099-1611
ISSN: 1057-9249
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
The supportive management of depression and anxiety in ovarian cancer patients experiencing a first recurrence: A qualitative investigation
Authors: Arden-Close, E., Watts, S., Lewith, G., Doerr, J., Wilde, B. and Bayne, L.
Journal: Psycho-Oncology
Volume: 26
Issue: S3
Pages: 81
ISSN: 1057-9249
Source: BURO EPrints