A VR-based crane training system for railway accident rescues

Authors: Xu, J., Tang, Z., Wei, X., Nie, Y., Yuan, X., Ma, Z. and Zhang, J.J.

Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Volume: 10582 LNCS

Pages: 207-219

eISSN: 1611-3349

ISSN: 0302-9743

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-69487-0_15


The railway crane is frequently used in railway accident rescues. However, it is generally impractical to train crane operators widely in real accident sites considering the costs and human safety. A VR-based crane training system for railway accident rescues is proposed in this paper. The training system reconstructs the railway accident scenes by integrating geographical environments, head-on collision scenarios between two high-speed trains and the railway crane kinematics models. Crane operators can interact with the virtual accident environment through some VR devices and gain the valuable experience of railway accident rescues. Results of a field test show that the VR-based crane training system for railway accident rescues can provide a safe, low-cost, efficient and user-friendly platform for crane operators.

Source: Scopus