DR-Cache: Distributed Resilient Caching with Latency Guarantees

Authors: Li, J., Khoa Phan, T., Koong Chai, W., Tuncer, D., Pavlou, G., Griffin, D. and Rio, M.

Journal: Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM

Volume: 2018-April

Pages: 441-449

ISSN: 0743-166X

DOI: 10.1109/INFOCOM.2018.8486316


The dominant application in today's Internet is content streaming, which is increasingly relying on caches to meet the stringent conditions on the latency between content servers and end-users. These systems routinely face the challenges of limited bandwidth capacities and network server failures, which degrade caching performance. In this paper, we study the problem of optimally allocating content over a resilient caching network, in which each cache may fail under some situations. Given content request rates and multiple routing paths, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the expected caching gain, i.e., the reduction of latency due to intermediate caching. The offline version of this problem is NP-hard. We first propose a centralized, offline algorithm and show that a solution with (1-1/e) approximation ratio to the optimal can be constructed. We then propose a distributed ascent algorithm based on the concave relaxation of the expected gain. Informed by the results of our analysis, we finally propose a distributed resilient caching algorithm (DR-Cache) that is simple and adaptive to network failures. We show numerically that DR-Cache significantly outperforms other candidate algorithms under synthetic requests, as well as real world traces over a class of network topologies.


Source: Scopus

DR-Cache: Distributed Resilient Caching with Latency Guarantees

Authors: Li, J., Truong, K.P., Chai, W.K., Tuncer, D., Pavlou, G., Griffin, D. and Rio, M.


Pages: 441-449

ISSN: 0743-166X


Source: Web of Science (Lite)

DR-Cache: Distributed Resilient Caching with Latency Guarantees

Authors: Li, J., Phan, T.K., Chai, W.K., Tuncer, D., Pavlou, G., Griffin, D. and Rio, M.

Conference: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)

Dates: 15-19 April 2018


The dominant application in today’s Internet is content streaming, which is increasingly relying on caches to meet the stringent conditions on the latency between content servers and end-users. These systems routinely face the challenges of limited bandwidth capacities and network server failures, which degrade caching performance. In this paper, we study the problem of optimally allocating content over a resilient caching network, in which each cache may fail under some situations. Given content request rates and multiple routing paths, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the expected caching gain, i.e., the reduction of latency due to intermediate caching. The offline version of this problem is NP-hard. We first propose a centralized, offline algorithm and show that a solution with (1-1/e) approximation ratio to the optimal can be constructed. We then propose a distributed ascent algorithm based on the concave relaxation of the expected gain.

Informed by the results of our analysis, we finally propose a distributed resilient caching algorithm (DR-Cache) that is simple and adaptive to network failures. We show numerically that DR-Cache significantly outperforms other candidate algorithms under synthetic requests, as well as real world traces over a class of network topologies.


Source: Manual

Preferred by: Wei Koong Chai

DR-Cache: Distributed Resilient Caching with Latency Guarantees

Authors: Li, J., Phan, T.K., Chai, W.K., Tuncer, D., Pavlou, G., Griffin, D. and Rio, M.

Conference: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)


The dominant application in today’s Internet is content streaming, which is increasingly relying on caches to meet the stringent conditions on the latency between content servers and end-users. These systems routinely face the challenges of limited bandwidth capacities and network server failures, which degrade caching performance. In this paper, we study the problem of optimally allocating content over a resilient caching network, in which each cache may fail under some situations. Given content request rates and multiple routing paths, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the expected caching gain, i.e., the reduction of latency due to intermediate caching. The offline version of this problem is NP-hard. We first propose a centralized, offline algorithm and show that a solution with (1-1/e) approximation ratio to the optimal can be constructed. We then propose a distributed ascent algorithm based on the concave relaxation of the expected gain. Informed by the results of our analysis, we finally propose a distributed resilient caching algorithm (DR-Cache) that is simple and adaptive to network failures. We show numerically that DR-Cache significantly outperforms other candidate algorithms under synthetic requests, as well as real world traces over a class of network topologies.



Source: BURO EPrints