Dr Wei Koong Chai
- 01202 965207
- wchai at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4847-5465
- Deputy Head of Department - Computing and Informatics
- Poole House P334a, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Wei Koong Chai is the Deputy Head of Department in the Department of Computing and Informatics, Bournemouth University (BU), UK. He heads the Future and Complex Networks Research Group (FlexNet) in the Department. He is also a visiting academic in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London (UCL), UK. Previously, he was a Senior Research Associate in UCL, where he led the research activities of several research projects, conduct collaborative research and contribute to the teaching and supervision of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has successfully raised research funding from both EU and UK funding bodies. He has published papers in fully refereed international conferences and journals and contributed chapters to books. His research work has been constantly receiving citations, recording over 3,000 citations to date (source: Google Scholar). He also serves on the technical program committee of several IEEE/ACM international conferences and workshops...
Dr. Chai received the B.Eng. (Hons) degree in electrical engineering from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2000, and the M.Sc. (Distinction) and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Surrey, Surrey, U.K., in 2002 and 2008, respectively.
Dr. Chai's research spans across heterogeneous networks, including wired/wireless networks and cyber physical systems.
His current research interests include:
* Information-centric Networking (ICN) - Name-based resolution systems, in-network caching, information resilience.
* Communications in Cyber Physical Systems - Communication infrastructures for smart grid applications.
* Network Science - Complex networks, epidemic theory.
He was previously involved in research on quality of service, resource management (e.g., for satellite networks and wireless mesh networks), cross-layer design (specifically on interaction of protocols at different layers), traffic engineering, and network optimization.
He is always looking for PhD students who have great potential. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Chai with your CV in order to advise you for the possibility of funding.
- Karaliopoulos, M., Mastakas, O. and Chai, W.K., 2023. Matching Supply and Demand in Online Parking Reservation Platforms. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24 (3), 3182-3193.
- Chai, W.K., 2018. Modelling Spreading Process Induced by Agent Mobility in Complex Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 5 (4), 336-349.
- Yang, B., Chai, W.K., Xu, Z., Katsaros, K.V. and Pavlou, G., 2018. Cost-Efficient NFV-Enabled Mobile Edge-Cloud for Low Latency Mobile Applications. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 15 (1), 475-488.
- Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2017. Path-Based Epidemic Spreading in Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25 (1), 565-578.
- Chai, W.K. et al., 2015. An Information-Centric Communication Infrastructure for Real-Time State Estimation of Active Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6 (4), 2134-2146.
- Psaras, I., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2014. In-network cache management and resource allocation for information-centric networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25 (11), 2920-2931.
- Chai, W.K., Karaliopoulos, M. and Pavlou, G., 2009. Providing proportional TCP performance by fixed-point approximations over bandwidth on demand satellite networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (7), 3554-3565.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Sustainable cities and communities
"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"
Journal Articles
- Kozhabek, A. and Chai, W.K., 2025. A Multi-scale Network-based Topological Analysis of Urban Road Networks in Highly Populated Cities. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science.
- Zhang, J., Chen, S., Chai, W.K. and Hanzo, L., 2024. Adaptive Coding and Modulation-Aided Mobile Relaying for Millimeter-Wave Flying Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11 (2), 3282-3301.
- Kozhabek, A., Chai, W.K. and Zheng, G., 2024. Modeling Traffic Congestion Spreading Using a Topology-Based SIR Epidemic Model. IEEE Access, 12, 35813-35826.
- Vidza, M.-S., Budka, M., Chai, W.K., Thrush, M. and Alves, M.T., 2024. Expanding the Katz Index for Link Prediction: A Case Study on a Live Fish Movement Network. CoRR, abs/2404.12871.
- Zheng, G., Chai, W.K., Zhang, J. and Katos, V., 2023. VDGCNeT: A novel network-wide Virtual Dynamic Graph Convolution Neural network and Transformer-based traffic prediction model. Knowledge-Based Systems, 275.
- Zheng, G., Chai, W.K., Duanmu, J.L. and Katos, V., 2023. Hybrid deep learning models for traffic prediction in large-scale road networks. Information Fusion, 92, 93-114.
- Karaliopoulos, M., Mastakas, O. and Chai, W.K., 2023. Matching Supply and Demand in Online Parking Reservation Platforms. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24 (3), 3182-3193.
- Zheng, G., Chai, W.K. and Katos, V., 2022. A dynamic spatial–temporal deep learning framework for traffic speed prediction on large-scale road networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 195.
- Zheng, G., Chai, W.K., Katos, V. and Walton, M., 2021. A joint temporal-spatial ensemble model for short-term traffic prediction. Neurocomputing, 457, 26-39.
- Wu, D. and Chai, W.K., 2021. Information resilience in a network of caches with perturbations. IEEE Access, 9, 136135-136150.
- Yuan, G., Xu, Z., Yang, B., Liang, W., Chai, W.K., Tuncer, D., Galis, A., Pavlou, G. and Wu, G., 2020. Fault tolerant placement of stateful VNFs and dynamic fault recovery in cloud networks. Computer Networks, 166.
- Hosseini, M., Angelopoulos, C.M., Chai, W.K. and Kundig, S., 2019. Crowdcloud: a crowdsourced system for cloud infrastructure. Cluster Computing, 22 (2), 455-470.
- Chai, W.K., Pavlou, G., Kamel, G., Katsaros, K.V. and Wang, N., 2019. A Distributed Interdomain Control System for Information-Centric Content Delivery. IEEE Systems Journal, 13 (2), 1568-1579.
- Chai, W.K., 2018. Modelling Spreading Process Induced by Agent Mobility in Complex Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 5 (4), 336-349.
- Ge, C., Wang, N., Chai, W.K. and Hellwagner, H., 2018. QoE-Assured 4K HTTP live streaming via transient segment holding at mobile edge. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 36 (8), 1816-1830.
- Yang, B., Katsaros, K.V., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2018. Cost-Efficient Low Latency Communication Infrastructure for Synchrophasor Applications in Smart Grids. IEEE Systems Journal, 12 (1), 948-958.
- Yang, B., Chai, W.K., Xu, Z., Katsaros, K.V. and Pavlou, G., 2018. Cost-Efficient NFV-Enabled Mobile Edge-Cloud for Low Latency Mobile Applications. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 15 (1), 475-488.
- Parisis, G., Sourlas, V., Katsaros, K.V., Chai, W.K., Pavlou, G. and Wakeman, I., 2017. Efficient content delivery through fountain coding in opportunistic information-centric networks. Computer Communications, 100, 118-128.
- Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2017. Path-Based Epidemic Spreading in Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25 (1), 565-578.
- Chai, W.K. et al., 2015. An Information-Centric Communication Infrastructure for Real-Time State Estimation of Active Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6 (4), 2134-2146.
- Psaras, I., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2014. In-network cache management and resource allocation for information-centric networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25 (11), 2920-2931.
- Katsaros, K., Chai, W., Wang, N., Pavlou, G., Bontius, H. and Paolone, M., 2014. Information-centric networking for machine-to-machine data delivery: A case study in smart grid applications. IEEE Network, 28 (3), 58-64.
- Bȩben, A., Batalla, J.M., Chai, W.K. and Śliwiński, J., 2013. Multi-criteria decision algorithms for efficient content delivery in content networks. Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications, 68 (3-4), 153-165.
- Pavlou, G., Wang, N., Chai, W.K. and Psaras, I., 2013. Internet-scale content mediation in information-centric networks. Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications, 68 (3-4), 167-177.
- Chai, W.K., He, D., Psaras, I. and Pavlou, G., 2013. Cache "less for more" in information-centric networks (extended version). Computer Communications, 36 (7), 758-770.
- Chai, W. et al., 2011. Curling: Content-ubiquitous resolution and delivery infrastructure for next-generation services. IEEE Communications Magazine, 49 (3), 112-120.
- Chai, W.K., Karaliopoulos, M. and Pavlou, G., 2009. Providing proportional TCP performance by fixed-point approximations over bandwidth on demand satellite networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8 (7), 3554-3565.
- Chai, W.K. and Kozhabek, A., 2024. Digitally Transformed Education: Are We There Yet? IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference book of Abstracts. IFIP.
- Chai, W.K., Georgiades, M. and Spirou, S., 2016. Toward information centric networking: Research, standardization, business, and migration challenges. Media Networks: Architectures, Applications, and Standards. 163-186.
- Barsocchi, P., Chai, W.K. et al., 2007. Resource management and network layer. Resource Management in Satellite Networks: Optimization and Cross-Layer Design. 243-287.
- Avgeropoulos, K., Chai, W.K., Giambene, G., Giannetti, S., Hongfei, D., Kueh, V.Y.H., Niebla, C.P., Pasqualetti, V., Sali, A. and Tsigkas, O., 2007. Access schemes and packet scheduling techniques. Resource Management in Satellite Networks: Optimization and Cross-Layer Design. 119-176.
- Sallal, M., Gorman, B., Mavengere, N., Dogan, H., Roushan, G., Henderson, H., Chai, W. and Orman, T., 2024. Strategies towards supporting the use of generative AI within higher education. In: IFIP TC3 OCCE 2024 Conference 27-29 February 2024 Bournemouth UK.
- Zheng, G., Chai, W.K. and Katos, V., 2021. The Sequence-to-Sequence Architecture with An Embedded Module for Long-Term Traffic Speed Forecasting with Missing Data. 2021 26th International Conference on Automation and Computing: System Intelligence through Automation and Computing, ICAC 2021.
- Zheng, G., Chai, W.K. and Katos, V., 2019. An ensemble model for short-term traffic prediction in smart city transportation system. Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM.
- Derviskadic, A., Romano, P., Get, C., Chai, W.K., Develder, C., Zanni, L., Pignati, M. and Paolone, M., 2018. Design and experimental validation of an LTE-Based synchrophasor network in a medium voltage distribution grid. 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018.
- Yang, B., Xu, Z., Chai, W.K., Liang, W., Tuncer, D., Galis, A. and Pavlou, G., 2018. Algorithms for fault-tolerant placement of stateful virtualized network functions. IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2018-May.
- Li, J., Phan, T.K., Chai, W.K., Tuncer, D., Pavlou, G., Griffin, D. and Rio, M., 2018. DR-Cache: Distributed Resilient Caching with Latency Guarantees. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 15-19 April 2018 Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Chai, W.K., Sourlas, V. and Pavlou, G., 2017. Providing Information Resilience Through Modularity-Based Caching in Perturbed Information-Centric Networks. Proceedings of the 29th International Teletraffic Congress, ITC 2017, 1, 214-222.
- Yang, B., Chai, W.K., Pavlou, G. and Katsaros, K.V., 2016. Seamless Support of Low Latency Mobile Applications with NFV-Enabled Mobile Edge-Cloud. Proceedings - 2016 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, CloudNet 2016, 136-141.
- Parisis, G., Sourlas, V., Katsaros, K.V., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2016. Enhancing multi-source content delivery in content-centric networks with fountain coding. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Content Caching and Delivery in Wireless Networks, CCDWN 2016.
- Chai, W.K., Kyritsis, V., Katsaros, K.V. and Pavlou, G., 2016. Resilience of interdependent communication and power distribution networks against cascading failures. 2016 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, IFIP Networking 2016, 37-45.
- Katsaros, K.V., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2015. Bloom filter based inter-domain name resolution: A feasibility study. ICN 2015 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 39-48.
- Chai, W.K., Katsaros, K.V., Strobbe, M., Romano, P., Ge, C., Develder, C., Pavlou, G. and Wang, N., 2015. Enabling smart grid applications with ICN. ICN 2015 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 207-208.
- Katsaros, K.V., Yang, B., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2015. Low latency communication infrastructure for synchrophasor applications in distribution networks. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, SmartGridComm 2014, 392-397.
- Katsaros, K.V., Chai, W.K., Vieira, B. and Pavlou, G., 2014. Supporting smart electric vehicle charging with information-centric networking. Proceedings of the 2014 10th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness, QSHINE 2014, 174-179.
- Psaras, I., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2012. Probabilistic in-network caching for information-centric networks. ICN'12 - ACM Proceedings of the Information-Centric Networking Workshop, 55-60.
- Chai, W.K., He, D., Psaras, I. and Pavlou, G., 2012. Cache "less for more" in information-centric networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7289 LNCS (PART 1), 27-40.
- He, D., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2011. Leveraging in-network caching for efficient content delivery in content-centric network. In: Proceedings of the London Communication Symposium, London, UK 8 September 2011 London.
- Psaras, I., Clegg, R.G., Landa, R., Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2011. Modelling and evaluation of CCN-caching trees. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6640 LNCS (PART 1), 78-91.
- Chai, W.K., Galis, A., Charalambides, M. and Pavlou, G., 2010. Federation of Future Internet Networks. 2010 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium Workshops, NOMS 2010, 209-216.
- Rubio-Loyola, J., Chai, W.K. et al., 2010. Platforms and software systems for an autonomic internet. GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference.
- Chai, W.K., Ho, K.H., Charalambides, M. and Pavlou, G., 2009. A policy-driven network management system for the dynamic configuration of military networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5637 LNCS, 108-121.
- Chai, W.K., Pavlou, G. and Evans, B., 2007. Providing proportional loss differentiation over bandwidth on demand satellite networks. 25th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference.
- Chai, W.K., Karaliopoulos, M. and Pavlou, G., 2007. Providing relative service differentiation to TCP flows over split-TCP geostationary bandwidth on demand satellite networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4517 LNCS, 17-29.
- Chai, W.K. and Pavlou, G., 2007. Cross-layer enhancement to TCP slow-start over geostationary bandwidth on demand satellite networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4712 LNCS, 86-98.
- Chai, W.K., Pavlou, G. and Evans, B., 2007. Providing proportional loss differentiation over bandwidth on demand satellite networks. 25th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference.
- Chai, W.K., Ho, K.H. and Pavlou, G., 2006. Achieving relative service differentiation for TCP traffic in satellite IP networks using congestion pricing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4003 LNCS, 246-258.
- Chai, W.K., Karaliopoulos, M. and Pavlou, G., 2005. Scheduling for proportional differentiated service provision in geostationary bandwidth on demand satellite networks. GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 6, 3722-3727.
- Sun, Z. and Chai, W.K., 2003. Satellite emulator for IP networking based on LINUX. 21st International Communications Satellite Systems Conference and Exhibit.
- Chai, W.K. and Sun, Z., 2003. QoS Measurement of Multimedia Traffic Via Multi-service Satellite System. In: International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '03) 21-23 July 2003 Ilkley, UK.
- Sun, Z., Liang, L., Chai, W.K. and Cruickshank, H., 2003. Internet QoS Measurement and Traffic Modelling. In: 2nd International Conference on Conformance Testing and Interoperability (ATS-CONF 2003) 20-21 January 2003 Stuttgart, Germany.
- Chai, W.K., 2007. Relative Service Differentiation over Bandwidth on Demand Satellite Networks. PhD Thesis. University of Surrey.
- Vidza, M.-S., Budka, M., Chai, W.K., Thrush, M. and Alves, M.T., 2024. Expanding the Katz Index for Link Prediction: A Case Study on a Live Fish Movement Network.
- Zhang, J., Chen, S., Chai, W.K. and Hanzo, L., 2023. Adaptive Coding and Modulation Aided Mobile Relaying for Millimeter-Wave Flying Ad-Hoc Networks.
- Chai, W. et al., 2017. Application of phasor measurement units for monitoring power system dynamic performance. Cigré. Published.
PhD Students
- Michael-Sam Vidza. Modelling, prediction and control,of the spread of aquaculture disease, (In progress)
- Binxu Yang, 2018. On the Design of a Cost-efficient Resource Management Framework for Low Latency Applications (Completed), (Completed)
- Ge Zheng, 2022. Deep Learning Models for Traffic Prediction in Urban Transport Networks, (Completed)
- Assemgul Kozhabek, 2024. Complex Urban Road Networks: Static Structures and Dynamic Processes, (Completed)
- Karin Ermert. Understanding and Modelling of Complex Academic Mobility Networks
- Nikos Ntemkas
Profile of Teaching PG
- Mobile, Wireless and Pervasive Technology
- Mobile and Wireless Networks
- MSc Individual Project
Profile of Teaching UG
- Advanced Networks
- Infrastructure Strategy
- Final Year Project
- Network Configuration and Management (2021 only)
- Open Platform for Rapid Prototyping of Smart Environment Applications (High Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), 01 Jun 2021). Awarded
- Modelling, prediction and control of the spread of aquaculture diseases (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, 01 Jan 2021). Awarded
- Smart Transportation Network for Smart City Planning (Bournemouth-Christchurch-Poole (BCP) Council, 01 Jan 2019). In Progress
- Information Resilience in Information-Centric Networking (BU PhD studentship, 01 Jan 2018). In Progress
- A Context-Adaptive Content Ecosystem Under Uncertainty (CONCERT) (CHIST-ERA, 01 Jan 2014). In Progress
- Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids (C-DAX) (European Commission, 01 Oct 2012). Completed
External Responsibilities
- PLOS, Editorial Board Member - PLOS Complex Systems (2023-), https://journals.plos.org/complexsystems/
- Arden University, External Examiner (2019-)
- University College London, Visiting Academic (2016-), http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~wchai
- University College London, Honorary Senior Research Fellow (2016-), http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~wchai/
- National Science Centre, Grant Reviewer (-2015)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Associate College Member
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Associate Editor (IEEE Access)
Internal Responsibilities
- Programme Leader, BSc in Software Engineering
- Programme Leader, BSc in Computing
- Programme Leader, BSc in Computer Science
- Programme Leader, BSc in Data Science & Analytics
- Chair, Teaching Committee
- Programme Leader (PL), BSc Computer Networks
- Lead, Future and Complex Network Research Group (FLEXNET)
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Anonymous peer review, 29 Nov 2017
- IEEE Internet Computing, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017
- Complexity, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016
- IEEE Access, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016
- Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (SEGAN), Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016
- Ad Hoc Networks, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016
- Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2016
- IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking, Anonymous peer review, 01 Nov 2015
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2014
- IEEE Communications Letters, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2013
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2012
- IEEE Communications Magazine, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2012
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Anonymous peer review, 01 Sep 2012
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Anonymous peer review, 01 Sep 2012
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2012
- PGCE in Education Practice (Bournemouth University, 2018)
- PhD in Electrical Engineering (University of Surrey, 2007)
- Best Paper Award IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC) 2021 (IEEE, 2021)
- Best Paper Award IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC) 2021 (IEEE, 2021)
- Certificate for Highly Cited Research (Elsevier, 2016)
- Top 5 Highest Cited Research in Computer Communications (Elsevier Computer Communications, 2016)
- Best Paper Award at IFIP Networking 2012 (International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), 2012)
- IEEE, Senior Member (2004-),
- ACM, Member,
Website Links
- Personal Homepage at University College London, http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/~wchai/index.html
- https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=pwvmL7EAAAAJ&hl=en