The Impact of Co-Produced Mental Health Training for Paramedics
Authors: Morgan, P., Rose, S. and Jack, E.
Conference: Refocus on Recovery
Dates: 18-20 September 2017
Journal: Conference Programme
Pages: 79
Publisher: Institute of Mental Health
Abstract:The focus of this work was to explore the impact of a week of mental health training cocreated and co-delivered by Peer Specialists, Mental Health Professionals, Paramedics and Paramedic Lecturers and Students. To explore if it could change the approach and build the confidence of paramedic students to supporting people with mental health problems. Traditionally paramedic students had a placement where they sat with a mental health team for a week, however people's experience varied and did not appear to have much value for some. By co-creating a programme with people who had access paramedic and ambulance services it was hypothesised that the paramedic students would get a more comprehensive understanding of their role, what they can offer people and have an increased understanding of a range of mental health experiences.
Source: Manual
The Impact of Co-Produced Mental Health Training for Paramedics
Authors: Morgan, P., Rose, S. and Jack, E.
Conference: Refocus on Recovery
Publisher: Institute of Mental Health
Abstract:The focus of this work was to explore the impact of a week of mental health training cocreated and co-delivered by Peer Specialists, Mental Health Professionals, Paramedics and Paramedic Lecturers and Students. To explore if it could change the approach and build the confidence of paramedic students to supporting people with mental health problems. Traditionally paramedic students had a placement where they sat with a mental health team for a week, however people's experience varied and did not appear to have much value for some. By co-creating a programme with people who had access paramedic and ambulance services it was hypothesised that the paramedic students would get a more comprehensive understanding of their role, what they can offer people and have an increased understanding of a range of mental health experiences.
Source: BURO EPrints