Ergonomics for Systems of Systems - The challenge of the 21<sup>st</sup> century

Authors: Dogan, H., Pilfold, S.A. and Henshaw, M.

Journal: Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011

Pages: 485-492

DOI: 10.1201/b11337-86


Systems of Systems (SoS) can be described as a class of complex systems whose constituents are, themselves, complex (Jamshidi, 2009). They are characterised (Maier, 1998) as being composed of many heterogeneous systems that are geographically distributed; independently managed and/or operated; evolve over time; and exhibit emergent behaviour. There is a need to better understand the enterprise nature of the domains (e.g. defence, utilities, and transport) to enable human participants in such systems to cope more effectively with the increase in complexity that SoS imply. Current methods and approaches in ergonomics are inadequate in addressing SoS aspects associated with technical and organisational complexity.

Source: Scopus