Automated bobbing and phase analysis to measure walking entrainment to music

Authors: López-Méndez, A., Westling, C., Emonet, R., Easteal, M., Lavia, L., Witchel, H. and Odobez, J.-M.

Conference: IEEE International Confer- ence on Image Processing (ICIP)

Dates: 27-30 October 2014


Place of Publication: IEEE

ISBN: 978-1-4799-5751-4

DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2014.7025850


In this paper, we investigate the influence of music on human walking behaviors in a public setting monitored by surveillance cameras. To this end, we propose a novel algo- rithm to characterize the frequency and phase of the walk. It relies on a human-by-detection tracking framework, along with a robust fitting of the human head bobbing motion. Preliminary experiments conducted on more than 100 tracks show that an accuracy greater than 85% for foot strike estima- tion can be achieved, suggesting that large scale analysis is at reach for finer music/walking behavior relationship studies.

Source: Manual