An annotated bibliographical survey on cyber intelligence for cyber intelligence officers

Authors: Yucel, C. and Koltuksuz, A.

Journal: European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS

Volume: 2014-January

Pages: 213-220

eISSN: 2048-8610

ISSN: 2048-8602


Since 2008, Cyberspace is officially regarded as a distinct military domain, along with land, sea and air for many countries (Goel, 2011). Several nations are developing defensive and offensive cyber capabilities for this domain. The nature of warfare in cyberspace is radically different than the traditional warfare: the attacks are more remote, stealthy and it may be impossible to detect the identity of the adversary (Greengard, 2010). Moreover, the time parameter becomes extremely important in this domain since conducting an attack takes only seconds even if the target is at the globally farthest point possible. Therefore, the power and impacts of cyber operations are limited by fast computation and transmission skills of your front. Nations need intelligence in this relatively new domain of war in order to know the strengths and weaknesses of other nations and themselves. With cyber intelligence of high quality, nations can assess the effects of attacks; detect their vulnerabilities, therefore mitigating the risks and implement cyber security processes based on well-defined decisions (Rudner, 2013). This paper presents a literature survey on computer science methodologies that can be useful for intelligence officers working in the cyberspace. The methodologies including defensive identification methods such as incident response strategies, social network analysis (Yip et al., 2012) (Benjamin and Hsinchun, 2012), intrusion detection systems (Zaman and Karray, 2009) and anomaly detections (Chandola et al., 2009) as well as offensive methods such as disinformation, destruction of information and communication, and advance persistent threats (APTs).

Source: Scopus

An Annotated Bibliographical Survey on Cyber Intelligence for Cyber Intelligence Officers

Authors: Yucel, C. and Koltuksuz, A.


Pages: 213-220

Source: Web of Science (Lite)