Applying Predictive Maintenance in Flexible Manufacturing

Authors: Sang, G.M., Xu, L., de Vrieze, P. and Bai, Y.

Journal: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Volume: 598

Pages: 203-212

eISSN: 1868-422X

ISSN: 1868-4238

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_17


In Industry 4.0 context, manufacturing related processes e.g. design processes, maintenance processes are collaboratively processed across different factories and enterprises. The state i.e. operation, failures of production equipment tools could easily impact on the collaboration and related processes. This complex collaboration requires a flexible and extensible system architecture and platform, to support dynamic collaborations with advanced capabilities such as big data analytics for maintenance. As such, this paper looks at how to support data-driven and flexible predictive maintenance in collaboration using FIWARE? Especially, applying big data analytics and data-driven approach for effective maintenance schedule plan, employing FIWARE Framework, which leads to support collaboration among different organizations modularizing of different related functions and security requirements.

Source: Scopus