Reputation-weighted based data fusion scheme for Uplink base-station cooperation system

Authors: Zhang, Z., Zhang, J., Mu, X. and Guo, X.

Journal: 2013 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2013

Pages: 403-407

ISBN: 9781479910335

DOI: 10.1109/ICCChina.2013.6671150


Base Station Cooperation (BSC), which exchanges information through a high-speed optical fibre back-haul to increase the diversity gain, has been considered as a promising technique for combating co-channel interference in multi-cell communication systems. A novel reputation-weighted based data fusion scheme for Uplink-BSC (UBSC) systems is proposed in this paper, which exploited the dissimilarity of signals from the different receivers. More specially, we design a fusing weights with a modified beta reputation model by adopting the pre-defined pilot information as the reference, which can reflect the relative merits of the corresponding detected signals. Furthermore, our proposed scheme is applicable for both hard information and/or soft information exchanging. Compared to the existing equal-weighted based data fusion scheme, the proposed scheme can adaptively adjust the weights with the channel links' quality, which persists the low computational complexity and back-haul traffic. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed scheme could effectively improve the system performance both for a perfect and imperfect channel state information. © 2013 IEEE.

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