Integrated information systems using emerging RFID technology in the hospitality industry
Authors: Adu, B.O., Atkins, A.S., Yu, H. and Nix, D.L.
Journal: SKIMA 2010 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications: ''Towards Happiness and Sustainable Development''
Pages: 78-83
Abstract:The emergence of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and mobile RFID equipment systems offers the opportunity to provide real time information which can be used in inventory and tracking systems. The paper presents some case study applications for using this technology in the hospitality industry utilizing RFID and mobile technology as a solution in asset management and wine cellar management. The system uses low cost passive tags (costing a few cents) to provide information in real time using a TCP/IP protocol which is internet compatible and can be viewed anywhere in the organization worldwide to provide more effective management control. The use of RFID technology provides both operational visibility and authenticity which is vital in the wine industry.
Source: Scopus