A Federated Simulation Framework for Cross-organisational Processes
Authors: Arshad, R., de Vrieze, P.T. and Xu, L.
Journal: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Volume: 629 IFIPAICT
Pages: 267-279
eISSN: 1868-422X
ISSN: 1868-4238
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_24
Abstract:Simulation is a significant tool that can be used to evaluate, monitor and enhance the processes and to predict the behaviour of a system in a particular scenario. Collaborative processes involving multiple organisations are becoming important in the changing landscape of the manufacturing industry towards industry 4.0. Simulating these processes require an independent and distributed execution because of the privacy concerns of partner organisations and the re-usability of existing simulators. In this paper, we propose a simulation framework based on a federated approach for the simulation of collaborative processes. The federated approach enables the simulation of parts of the processes from multiple organisations by combining independent simulators through a common interface. The common interface is responsible for the synchronisation of all the simulators within the federation. The framework will be evaluated using an industrial case study of textile manufacturing using Virtual Organisations.
Source: Scopus
A Federated Simulation Framework for Cross-organisational Processes
Authors: Arshad, R., de Vrieze, P.T. and Xu, L.
Volume: 629
Pages: 267-279
eISSN: 1868-422X
ISSN: 1868-4238
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_24
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
A Federated Simulation Framework for Cross-Organisational Processes
Authors: De Vrieze, P. and Xu, L.
Conference: 22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2021,
Dates: 22-24 November 2021
Journal: Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0
Publisher: Springer
Abstract:Simulation is a significant tool to evaluate, monitor and enhance the processes and to predict the behaviour of a system in a particular scenario. Collaborative processes involving multiple organizations are becoming important in the changing landscape of the manufacturing industry towards industry 4.0. Simulating these processes require independent and distributed execution because of the privacy concerns of partner organizations and re-usability of existing simulators. In this paper, we propose a simulation framework based on federated approach for the simulation of collaborative processes. The federated approach enables the simulation of parts of processes from multiple organizations by combining independent simulators through a common interface. The common interface is responsible for the synchronization of all the simulators within the federation. The framework will be evaluated using industrial case study of textile manufacturing using Virtual Organizations.
Source: Manual
A Federated Simulation Framework for Cross-Organisational Processes
Authors: Arshad, R., de Vrieze, P.T. and Xu, L.
Conference: PRO-VE 2021, Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0
Publisher: Springer
Abstract:Simulation is a significant tool to evaluate, monitor and enhance the processes and to predict the behaviour of a system in a particular scenario. Collaborative processes involving multiple organizations are becoming important in the changing landscape of the manufacturing industry towards industry 4.0. Simulating these processes require independent and distributed execution because of the privacy concerns of partner organizations and re-usability of existing simulators. In this paper, we propose a simulation framework based on federated approach for the simulation of collaborative processes. The federated approach enables the simulation of parts of processes from multiple organizations by combining independent simulators through a common interface. The common interface is responsible for the synchronization of all the simulators within the federation. The framework will be evaluated using industrial case study of textile manufacturing using Virtual Organizations.
Source: BURO EPrints