Analysis of the egg donors recruitment process in a private assisted reproduction center
Authors: Izquierdo Manrique, V. et al.
Conference: 28th ESHRE Annual Meeting
Dates: 1-31 July 2012
DOI: 10.1093/humrep/27.s2.84
Abstract:Introduction In Spain gamete donation is a gratuitous, formal and private contract arranged between the donor and the authorized center, regulated by law 14/2006 on Assisted Reproductive Technologies and R.D. 412/1996 that establishes the obligatory protocols of donors and recipients. Egg donors must be between 18 and 35 years old, have total legal capacity and good psychophysical health. Donor selection is the responsibility of the medical center that applies the technique. Our egg donation program began in 2002 and the number of cycles performed has been increasing steadily until today. Development of an efficient anonymous egg donation program relies on the recruitment of a large number of donors with different demographic and social characteristics, to match the recipients’ requests. The purpose of this study was to analyze the egg donor recruitment process at our clinic focusing on the reasons for donor exclusion after the first interview to test the hypothesis that knowledge of these reasons may help us improve the efficiency of the recruitment process by optimizing the time and effort required for the interview process. Material and Methods This study was a retrospective analysis of the inicial questionnaire filled at the time of the first inteview by 499 prospective donors who requested information at our center from January 2008 to December 2010. Our exclusion factors were classified in correctable factors (e.g. smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day and recent (>6 months) tattoos and/or pearcing) and permanent factors (e.g. sexually transmitted diseases, genetic problems, no information regarding family history, diminished ovarian reserve), The complete list of exclusion factors is listed in the results section. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS program. Results Out of the 499 young women who underwent the inicial interview 256 (51,31 %) were considered apt for egg donation and agreed to enter our program. Of the remaining 243 (49.69%) women 58 (11.62%) decided not to donate and 186 (37.27%) were excluded by our medical and nursing team. Reasons for exclusion were correctable factors in 69 cases (13.82%) and permanent factors in 117 cases (23.68%). Correctable exclusion factors were: tattoos <6 months (3.41%, n = 17); piercings <6 months (1.00%, n = 5); smoking more than10 cigarrettes a day (3.01%, n = 15); mild to moderate thinness (0.80%; n = 4); overweight (0.60%; n = 3); treatable sexually transmitted diseases (0.20%; n = 1); ethnic/physical characteristics not matching the recipients at a given time (3.81%, n = 19); and multiple factors (1%, n = 5). Permanent exclusion factors were: positive family history (5.4%, n = 27); no information regarding family history (0.40%, n = 2; e.g. adopted children); severe thinness (0.40%, n = 2); obesity (2.81%, n = 14);positive medical or gynecologic history (2.61%; n = 13; e.g. hyperthyroidism, endometriosis); diminished ovarian reserve (1.00%; n = 5); genetic problems (2.00%, n = 10 carriers of cyctic fibrosis or abnormal cariotype); age >30 years (2.00%, n = 10); smoking more than 15 cigarrettes a day (3.21%, n = 16); use of drugs (0.40%, n = 2); sexually transmitted diseases (1.60%, n = 8), multiple factors (3.81%, n = 5). Conclusions The present study shows that aproximately 50% of the prospective donors who are received in our clinic for the first interview do not continue with the egg donation process. Aproximately 10% of the prospective donors included in this study did not accept to donate. Of those excluded for correctable causes, none were subecuently accepted during the time frame of this study due to non compliance to our medical recommendations. These results indicate that the recruitment process may be optimized by (1) improving the transmission of information to prospective donors prior to the inicial interview for example distributing written information regarding the donation process (2) setting clear criteria for acceptance to the first interview based on our exclusion criteria.
Source: Manual