Methods, Tools and Techniques for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Design and Development
Authors: Naiseh, M., Bentley, C., Ramchurn, S., Williams, E., Awad, E. and Alix, C.
Journal: EICS 2022 - Companion of the 2022 ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
Pages: 66-69
DOI: 10.1145/3531706.3536459
Abstract:This workshop focuses on methods, tools, and techniques to design and develop Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS). TAS is an emerging area of interactive systems that is expanding the scope and remit of engineering. At every scale, making autonomous systems trustworthy is a collective task that requires a multidisciplinary team to work together to understand trust design requirements and provide effective and creative solutions. TAS introduce unique challenges in the design and development of interactive systems because they may have the capacity to learn and evolve, they may need to make decisions or take actions independently with little or no human oversight, and they will be deployed in quite different cultural and regulatory environments. TAS engineers need robust design methods, tools, and techniques to meet diverse TAS requirements and objectives. Our prior research argued for TAS engineers to develop skills in three core areas: soft, strategic, and technical [1]. However, little has been done to flesh out the specific methods, tools, and techniques that TAS engineers should draw on. This workshop intends to invite interactive systems experts to contribute promising design methods, tools, and techniques-particularly in the area of user/actor and design requirements modelling. The workshop aims to present innovative modelling techniques, test these approaches through discussion, think about the main challenges, refine TAS required skills and steer the overarching strategy in this new field for the future.
Source: Scopus