A critical analysis of the use of AI in HRM in luxury hotels
Authors: Marinakou, E.
Conference: TOURMAN 2021
Dates: 21-23 May 2021
Source: Manual
A critical analysis of the use of AI in HRM in luxury hotels
Authors: Marinakou, E. and Fanourios Kallitsis, I.
Conference: TOURMAN 2021 International Scientific Conference: "Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after"
Abstract:Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the potential and effectiveness of AI-powered technology on recruitment practices in luxury hotels focusing on exploring the impact of AI on the efficiency and effectiveness on recruitment practices.
Research Methods: In-depth semi-structured interviews with fifteen hotel general and HR managers were done through skype, e-mail and telephone in luxury hotels in Greece, the UK and Belgium. Convenience sampling was used, as very few luxury hotels use AI in recruitment and few people were available to participate in this study due to COVID-19. Results and Discussion: The findings suggest that the use of AI must be measured and evaluated in advance by hotels. AI has changed administrative duties in HRM. Launching AI technology in the recruitment process luxury hotels identified differences on the way they communicate with candidates and better results in recruitment and finding talent. Many organizations are reluctant to invest in AI due to readiness at implementing AI and the training required to use AI.
Implications: This paper contributes to research gap on the use of AI in HRM as most studies focus on customer service. HR managers use AI in the pre-selection recruitment process as it makes the process faster and smoother. It can also provide better results in identifying a larger pool of talent. Asynchronous video interviews, games with AI may be used to help future candidates to understand the job requirements and assess if they have the skills or personality to meet the person specifications. Training on the use of AI should be provided to HR managers to acquire the necessary technical skills. Future studies may use quantitative techniques to assess the influence of AI recruitment in business efficiency.
Source: BURO EPrints