Heterotopias—Optical Mastication and Spatial Reconfiguration

Authors: Ruszev, S. and Kaplan, N.

Conference: Artistic Research Will Eat Itself, The 9th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research

Dates: 11-13 April 2018



Source: Manual

Heterotopias—Optical Mastication and Spatial Reconfiguration

Authors: Kaplan, N. and Ruszev, S.

Editors: Cox, G., Drayson, H., Fatehrad, A., Gall, A., Hopes, L., Lewin, A. and Prior, A.

Publisher: University of Plymouth


Heterotopias is an interactive virtual reality experience based on Michel Foucault’s influential lecture, Des espaces autres. The experience leverages eye-tracking technology to transform users’ blinks into cinematic cuts. With every blink, the virtual space alters, producing variable configurations of stereo-360 footage and computer-generated models. Throughout the experience, disembodied voices whisper selected phrases drawn from the original recording of Foucault’s 1967 lecture in French, as well as from readings of Jay Miskowiec’s 1984 English translation. To complement the ungrounded transformation of space, the user is suspended in a hanging chair.



Source: BURO EPrints