Szilvia Ruszev

Dr Szilvia Ruszev

  • 01202 965247
  • sruszev at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Senior Lecturer in Post Production
  • Weymouth House W209, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Szilvia Ruszev is a film editor, media artist and researcher working across media.

Her research interest is situated in the fields of cinema and media studies, new materialism and digital studies intersecting various methodologies of a creative-critical praxis. Some of the recurring themes in her research are sensuous knowledge, expanded montage theories, and politics of post-cinema with a specific focus on the entanglement of networked technologies, capitalism and representation of social categories such as race, class and gender.

She is the Principal Investigator of the BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides) funded ‘Shared Post-Human Imagination’ research project at Bournemouth University. The project investigates responsible AI in the context of media production. The research seeks to foster relationships among developers, users and policymakers to develop responsible AI practices.

As an editor, she has 20+ years of experience in various genres. She has expertise in immersive media, feature-length documentaries, feature films, TV documentaries (Arte and ZDF), corporate films, music videos, video art, and shorts...


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Quality education

"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"

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Gender equality

"Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls"

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Reduced inequalities

"Reduce inequality within and among countries"

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Journal Articles


  • Ruszev, S., 2022. Wilderness Transcended (Poetic Capacity of Wildlife Webcams in The Time of Pandemic Isolation). Dark Eden. Victorian College of the Arts: University of Melbourne: Art + Australia.


  • Ruszev, S. and Kaplan, N., 2018. Heterotopias—Optical Mastication and Spatial Reconfiguration. In: Artistic Research Will Eat Itself, The 9th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research 11-13 April 2018 Plymouth.

Internet Publications


  • Ruszev, S., 2022. Neuro-Avantgarde. PhD Thesis. University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts, Media Arts and Practice.


  • Ruszev, S., Brun, E., Rodriguez, G.H., Kausik, G., Jones, P. and Mjöll, K.. Szikago Pakrel: Future Archeology. How to Become Posthuman. 6 June 2022.




  • Shared post-human imagination: human-AI collaboration in media creation (Arts and Humanities Research Council, 01 Feb 2024). In Progress

Internal Responsibilities

  • Programme Leader MA Post Production Editing, FMC

Conference Presentations

  • The Seventh Transdisciplinary Conference on Imaging at the Intersections of Arts, Science and Culture, Szikago Pakrel: Future Archeology, 23 Sep 2022, Central Asian University, Kyrgyzstan + online
  • 13th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research, Szikago Pakrel: Future Archeology, 30 Jun 2022, Weimar, Germany
  • ISEA 2022: 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Word of Mouth: When Our Lips Speak Together, 10 Jun 2022, Barcelona, Spain
  • SCSMI Annual Conference, Virtual Influencers: Fictional or nonfictional characters?, 01 Jun 2022, Gandia, Spain
  • NEW CREATIVE PRAXIS IN FILM AND TELEVISION: Hybrid Futures of Gender Equality, Gendered Anger Workshop, 06 May 2022, Department of Film and Television, Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Fabulation for Future, INTRA-ACTIVITY: THE POSTHUMAN, FABULATION AND MATTER, Wilderness Transcended, 14 Sep 2021, Film University Babelsberg - online

Consultancy Activities

  • Project Snowflake: A collaborative design environment for transmedia workflows, Speculative Design. USC, School of Cinematic Arts, Scott Fisher, Andreas Kratky, Virginia Kuhn, 01 Jan 2017
  • Hungarian Independent Film Festival, Jury member. Hungarian Association of Independent Film Makers