Fellowships for Fusion
Authors: Bray, J. and kilburn, D.
Conference: Fusion in Action: Knowledge exchange with students, society
Dates: 18 April 2012
Abstract:Over the last 10 years a number of academics in the School of Tourism have secured fellowships with industry partners. While this kind of activity represents a significant income stream, the benefits go well beyond income generation. Fellowships provide fantastic opportunities to gather publishable research data, enrich the student experience through gaining real life and contemporary understanding of business, and enable research outputs to have real impact in an organizational context.
This presentation will introduce the concept of fellowships drawing on examples from within the School of Tourism to highlight the benefits for the host organization, students, academic staff and BU. It is anticipated that possibilities to exploit this model of working in other sectors and schools will be generated.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Jeffery Bray