Exploring the Influence of CEO Traits on Media Firm Innovation and Performance

Authors: Oliver, J.

Conference: European Media Management Association

Dates: 6-7 June 2024


A media firm’s orientation toward R&D and innovation is largely determined by CEOs who frame market opportunities and drive investments in firm resources. As such, CEO’s traits (age, tenure, career background, education) are known to be a predictor of firm R&D spending and attributed levels of innovation and firm performance. This paper explores how CEO traits influence levels of R&D-led innovation expenditure. It concludes that CEO traits had no influence on firm R&D expenditure and that a firm’s ‘Research Intensity’ is primarily influence by their ‘cultural orientation toward innovation’ and the ‘stage of the industry lifecycle’ where it is competing.


Source: Manual

Exploring the Influence of CEO Traits on Media Firm Innovation and Performance

Authors: Oliver, J.

Conference: European Media Management Association


A media firm’s orientation toward R&D and innovation is largely determined by CEOs who frame market opportunities and drive investments in firm resources. As such, CEO’s traits (age, tenure, career background, education) are known to be a predictor of firm R&D spending and attributed levels of innovation and firm performance. This paper explores how CEO traits influence levels of R&D-led innovation expenditure. It concludes that CEO traits had no influence on firm R&D expenditure and that a firm’s ‘Research Intensity’ is primarily influence by their ‘cultural orientation toward innovation’ and the ‘stage of the industry lifecycle’ where it is competing.


Source: BURO EPrints

The data on this page was last updated at 06:10 on June 5, 2024.