Sustainable Nursing Workforce: Developing and Supporting the Next Generation Leaders

Authors: Stainer, L. and Rosser, E.

Conference: 7th Bennial European Region Conference

Dates: 26-28 June 2024


Introduction: Strengthening nurse leadership requires investment and is essential to creating a sustainable nursing workforce and effective health systems.

Aim: This paper aims to report the lessons learned from a year-long virtual action learning set (VALS) and identify the lessons learned.

Methodology: Using Kirkpatrick’s (2006) programme evaluation model, the VALS was evaluated at 6 and 12 months. A total of 5 senior members participated. Data was collected from a survey and focus group and analysed using thematic analysis.

Findings: Themes emerged under the four levels of Kirkpatrick’s model: Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, and Result. As a virtual group facilitated online, members agreed that time spent early on getting to know each other and setting ground rules alleviated their anxiety and apprehension. Participants confirmed their achievement of leadership and decision-making skills, recognised the need to extend their vision beyond the immediate and learned to step outside their comfort zone with challenging conversations to solve problems. Outwardly, they have shown greater confidence in making a meaningful contribution to address others’ leadership problems. They take active steps to reach out to colleagues within and beyond their institution to manage leadership issues more broadly. Participants believed that engaging in a supportive network beyond their immediate circle improved their confidence to think positively, more broadly and critically at leadership challenges and feel energised about the future.

Conclusion: Outcomes illustrated the value of action learning to build senior nurses’ confidence and competence to lead and develop the next generation of leaders, thus sustaining the future workforce.

Source: Manual

The data on this page was last updated at 06:09 on July 6, 2024.