O, What an Iridescent Web We Weave: Rendering Physically Inspired Spider Webs for Visual Effects
Authors: Simeonova, V. and Anderson, E.F.
Journal: Proceedings - SIGGRAPH 2024 Posters
DOI: 10.1145/3641234.3671069
Abstract:The presence of realistic spider webs can be used to establish plausible, visually appealing environments, providing a sense of immersion and authenticity to computer generated worlds. When lit, cobwebs transform into displays of iridescent colors and patterns, resulting from the interaction between the light and the structure of the silk fibers. We propose a straightforward, physically inspired method for rendering cobwebs using common VFX production software, replicating the iridescent visual appearance of spider webs for added realism in virtual environments.
Source: Scopus
O, What an Iridescent Web We Weave: Rendering Physically Inspired Spider Webs for Visual Effects
Authors: Simeonova, V. and Anderson, E.F.
Conference: ACM SIGGRAPH 2024
Dates: 28 July-1 August 2024
Journal: SIGGRAPH '24
Volume: SIGGRAPH '24: ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Posters
ISBN: 979-8-4007-0516-8
DOI: 10.1145/3641234.3671069
Abstract:The presence of realistic spider webs can be used to establish plausible, visually appealing environments, providing a sense of immersion and authenticity to computer generated worlds. When lit, cobwebs transform into displays of iridescent colors and patterns, resulting from the interaction between the light and the structure of the silk fibers.
We propose a straightforward, physically inspired method for rendering cobwebs using common VFX production software, replicating the iridescent visual appearance of spider webs for added realism in virtual environments.
Source: Manual
O, What an Iridescent Web We Weave: Rendering Physically Inspired Spider Webs for Visual Effects
Authors: Simeonova, V. and Anderson, E.F.
Editors: Burbano, A. and Ion, A.
Publisher: ACM
Place of Publication: New York
ISBN: 979-8-4007-0516-8
Abstract:The presence of realistic spider webs can be used to establish plausible, visually appealing environments, providing a sense of immersion and authenticity to computer generated worlds. When lit, cobwebs transform into displays of iridescent colors and patterns, resulting from the interaction between the light and the structure of the silk fibers.
We propose a straightforward, physically inspired method for rendering cobwebs using common VFX production software, replicating the iridescent visual appearance of spider webs for added realism in virtual environments.
Source: BURO EPrints