Nicholas Crabb

Nicholas Crabb

  • 01202 961409
  • crabbn at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Senior Lecturer In Archaeological Science
  • Christchurch House C120, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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I am a Senior Lecturer in Archaeological Science, specialising in archaeological prospection (geophysical survey and remote sensing). My research centres on the application of these methods in archaeological and cultural heritage management and their integration with GIS-based spatial analysis and deposit modelling for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources and past environments. I also have extensive professional experience and have directed numerous fieldwork projects varying from surveys of scheduled monuments and historic properties to large-scale investigations of multi-period archaeological landscapes.


My research interests are primarily focused on the application of geophysical and remote sensing data to investigate complex archaeological remains or deposits located within challenging environments. I am particularly interested in exploring how non-intrusive methods can help to resolve contemporary issues in heritage management. In my PhD research, I integrated non-invasive techniques for the enhanced investigation of areas of geoarchaeological potential, such as alluvial landscapes and areas influenced by colluvial and coastal processes. Such research is necessary as these areas are increasingly at threat due to climate change, with floodplains and valley bottoms likely to encounter an increase in the frequency and intensity of floods, and heritage assets on the foreshore and cliff-top becoming at risk from damage or loss from erosion. More broadly, I am also interested the ways in which people in the past constructed and used the environment around them, as well as how this evolved over time.


  • Crabb, N., Carey, C., Howard, A.J. and Brolly, M., 2023. Lidar visualization techniques for the construction of geoarchaeological deposit models: An overview and evaluation in alluvial environments. Geoarchaeology, 38 (4), 420-444.
  • Crabb, N., Carey, C., Howard, A.J., Jackson, R., Burnside, N. and Brolly, M., 2022. Modelling geoarchaeological resources in temperate alluvial environments: The capability of higher resolution satellite remote sensing techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science, 141.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Quality education

"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"

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Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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Life on land

"Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss"

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Partnership for the Goals

"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"

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Journal Articles

  • French, C., Carey, C.H.R.I.S., Allen, M.J., Toms, P., Wood, J., De Smedt, P., Crabb, N., Scaife, R.O.B., Gillings, M.A.R.K. and Pollard, J., 2024. The Alluvial Geoarchaeology of the Upper River Kennet in the Avebury Landscape: A Monumental Transformation of a Stable Landscape. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society.
  • Crabb, N., Carey, C., Howard, A.J. and Brolly, M., 2023. Lidar visualization techniques for the construction of geoarchaeological deposit models: An overview and evaluation in alluvial environments. Geoarchaeology, 38 (4), 420-444.
  • Pocobelli, D.P., Melinis, A., Crabb, N. and Grau-Bové, J., 2022. Using Building Information Modelling to map the composition of glass panes in a historic house. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 26.
  • Pocobelli, D.P., Melinis, A., Crabb, N. and Grau-Bové, J., 2022. Using Building Information Modelling to map the composition of glass panes in a historic house. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 26.
  • Crabb, N., Carey, C., Howard, A.J., Jackson, R., Burnside, N. and Brolly, M., 2022. Modelling geoarchaeological resources in temperate alluvial environments: The capability of higher resolution satellite remote sensing techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science, 141.


  • Crabb, N., Carey, C., Howard, A. and Jackson q, R., 2021. Identifying archaeological potential in alluvial environments: An evaluation of remote sensing techniques at the River Lugg, Herefordshire, UK. In: International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 24 4-6 November 2019 Vienna. Monumental Computations: Digital archaeology of large urban and underground infrastructures: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna.
  • Crabb, N., Brolly, M., Burnside, N., Howard, A., Jackson, R. and Carey, C., 2019. Evaluating the capability of a sUAS mounted multispectral sensor for the mapping of archaeological resources in an alluvial landscape. In: Bonsall, J., ed. 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection 28 August-1 September 2019 Sligo, Ireland. New Global Perspectives on Archaeological prospection: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection Archeopress.
  • Crabb, N., 2017. Moving Beyond an identification of 'ferrous': A re-interpretation of Geophysical surveys over WW1 practice trenches on Salisbury plain. In: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection 12-16 September 2017 Bradford, UK. 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection Archeopress.


  • Crabb, N., 2023. Evaluating contemporary remote sensing technologies for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources in alluvial environments. PhD Thesis. University of Brighton, School of Applied Sciences.

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Unit Leader - Applied Geophysical Survey
  • Unit Leader - Working with Cultural Heritage

Conference Presentations

  • Drones in Landscape Survey - Chartered Institute for Archaeologists conference, Considerations for the effective use of UAS-mounted multispectral sensors for archaeological prospection and landscape modelling, 19 Apr 2023, Nottingham, UK
  • Near Surface Geophysics Group: Recent Work in Archaeological Geophysics, Integrating geophysical and remote sensing data for the modelling of geoarchaeological resources in alluvial environments., 06 Dec 2022, London, UK
  • SEAHA Conference 2022: Exploring the Frontiers of Heritage Science, Evaluating contemporary digital technologies for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources in alluvial environments, 07 Sep 2022, London, UK
  • Celebrating 50 years of Archaeological Prospection - Chartered Institute for Archaeologists conference, Evaluating contemporary digital technologies for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources in alluvial environments, 25 Apr 2022, Bath, UK
  • Contemporary Approaches to the Investigation and Management of Archaeological Resources in Alluvial Environments - 27th Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Remote sensing in alluviated landscapes: The potential of a synergistic approach to environmental modelling of the river valley floor, 06 Sep 2021, Kiel, Germany (Online)
  • The archaeological perspective on the use of satellite data - Computer Applications in Archaeology, Satellite remote sensing for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources in alluvial environments, 14 Jun 2021, Limassol, Cyprus (Online)
  • 9th Developing International Geoarchaeology conference, Remote sensing for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources in alluvial environments., 17 May 2021, Faro, Portugal (Online)
  • Know your place: Defining the role of Geophysics in Development-led archaeology - 24th Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Towards an improved implementation of geophysical survey in UK commercial archaeology, 05 Sep 2018, Barcelona, Spain.


  • MRes in Science & Engineering in Heritage and Archaeology (University College London, 2018)
  • MA in Archaeology (University of Reading, 2010)
  • BA (Hons) in Ancient History and Archaeology (University of Reading, 2009)
