Diego is a Data Researcher for MaGPIE. He is a Licentiate in Philosophy and a Data Analyst. He has conducted independent research in the area of Human-Animal Studies, focusing on the coexistence and conflicts between human and non-human species.
In the context of transitional justice, memorialization is considered a vital tool for enabling societies to emerge and heal from periods of large scale violence. Memotial practices are broad and diverse and their actual impact on other aspects of transitional processes - such as achieving Justice, Reparation and Prevention- may vary. Moreover, different regions and legislative bodies may have different approaches to memorialization depending on the context. My investigations aims at developing a set of indicators to evaluate the compliance of States with the practices outlined by the international community to address transitional processes, with particular focus on memorialization. The objective is determining which are the most effective models of memorialization, their impact on the investigation of mass atrocities and proposing strategies to improve their overall protential.