Ian Gwinn

Dr Ian Gwinn

  • Senior Lecturer In Politics
  • Weymouth House W420, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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I was awarded my PhD from the Department of Culture, Languages and Area Studies at the University of Liverpool in 2015, where I wrote my thesis on the History Workshop movement in Britain and West Germany (c.1960s-1990s). Since then, I’ve taught at Manchester Metropolitan and Sheffield Hallam Universities and, for the academic year 2017-18, I worked as a Post-doctoral Research Associate for the AHRC-funded project ‘How Women’s Rights became Human Rights’. I joined Bournemouth University as a full-time lecturer in politics in 2019.

My main research interests are broadly related to the contemporary history and politics of Britain and Western Europe (primarily Germany) and are divided into three general areas: 1) the history of the post-45 European Left (socialism, feminism and anarchism); 2) the study of popular politics, grassroots activism and social movements, including comparative and transnational dimensions; 3) historiography, intellectual history and the history of the social sciences...
