If Albanian and Serb historical textbook narratives remain staunchly divided, what needs to change? (blog post, Dealing with the Past)

Authors: Schwandner-Sievers, S., Semic,, N. and Semic, N

Publisher: Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD | Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst e. V.)


Where the educational system remains divided along ethnic lines, history teaching is shaped to fit the underlying ethno-nationalist ideology of the time. Between 2016 and 2017, the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS) funded a young historian from Sarajevo, Narcisa Semić, under academic supervision by Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers, to conduct research into the situation in Kosovo as part of the project "Building Knowledge of New Statehood in Southeast Europe: Understanding Kosovo’s Domestic and International Policy Considerations". Based on their empirically grounded insights, they come to the conclusion that "clearly, it is not the chip in people’s heads, but educational, social and economic opportunities, which need to be rewritten in order to allow nationalist narratives to lose traction."


Source: Manual