Dr Jenny Moreno Romero
- 01202 966307
- jmorenoromero at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Lecturer in Crisis and Disaster Management
- EBC105,
Dr. Jenny Moreno Romero is a scholar and practitioner in disaster management in developing countries. With extensive experience in disaster-prone Chile, her home country, she specialises in community resilience, volunteer management, and supporting vulnerable populations affected by disasters.
Currently a Lecturer in Crisis and Disaster Management at Bournemouth University, Dr. Moreno joined the university’s Disaster Management Centre in January 2024. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Science Research Methodology from the University of Nottingham. Dr. Moreno is also a registered expert with the Women’s Resilience to Disasters Knowledge Hub, part of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). She has presented her research at numerous international conferences, and her work has been published in prestigious journals such as Natural Hazards and the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Sustainable cities and communities
"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"
Journal Articles
- Olivares Allendes, V., Valdivia Gutiérrez, C. and Moreno Romero, J., 2023. Oportunidades y desafíos para la educación del riesgo de desastre en Chile. Revista Educación.
- Sanhueza, G., Matus, T. and Moreno Romero, J., 2022. Innovating social work education in Chile: addressing the UN sustainable development goals, enhancing our profession. Social Work Education, 41 (7), 1460-1477.
- Espinoza, A., Moreno Romero, J., Klener, H., Contreras, B., Serka, J. and Aguilera, J., 2022. Experiencias de migrantes haitianos afectados por un incendio en Santiago, Chile. Un estudio de caso. Si Somos Americanos.
- Sepulveda, R. and Moreno Romero, J., 2022. Resiliencia Comunitaria y la Emergencia Sociosanitaria Covid-19: El caso de la Comuna de Talcahuano, Chile. Rumbos TS.
- Aparicio-Arias, R. and Moreno Romero, J., 2021. Factors influencing public procurement during disasters: the cases of Chile and New Zealand. Journal of Public Procurement, 21 (2).
- Shaw, D., Fattoum, A., Moreno Romero, J. and Bealt, J., 2020. A structured methodology to peer review disaster risk reduction activities: The Viable System Review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Moreno Romero, J. and Shaw, D., 2018. Community resilience to power outages after disaster: A case study of the 2010 Chile earthquake and tsunami. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Moreno Romero, J., Lara, A. and Torres, M., 2018. Community resilience in response to the 2010 tsunami in Chile: The survival of a small-scale fishing community. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Labraña, J., Amigo, C., Cortés, J., Gómez, E., Moreno Romero, J. and Muñoz, M.C., 2018. Hacia una educación ambiental para una sociedad compleja. Un análisis desde la teoría de sistemas sociales. Revista Mad.
- Moreno Romero, J. and Shaw, D., 2018. Women’s empowerment following disaster: a longitudinal study of social change. Natural Hazards.
- Torres Méndez, M., Cid Aguayo, B., Bull, M.T., Moreno Romero, J., Lara, A., Gonzalez, C. and Henriquez, B., 2018. Resiliencia comunitaria y sentido de comunidad durante la respuesta y recuperación al terremoto-tsunami del año 2010, Talcahuano-Chile. REDER.
- Moreno Romero, J., 2018. The role of communities in coping with natural disasters: Lessons from the 2010 Chile Earthquake and Tsunami. Procedia Engineering.
- Lara, A., Reyes, L.F., Moreno Romero, J., Quilodrán, P. and Sánchez, K., 2017. Designing happiness? A close-up to the housing reconstruction process after the Chile earthquake and tsunami. Natural Hazards.
- Güida, C., Garay, R.M., Espinoza, A., Moreno Romero, J., Marin, J. and Rivas, I., 2020. Género y reducción del riesgo de desastres. Acercamiento a nivel local [Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction: An approach at the local level]. CITRID / VID UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Available from: https://minmujeryeg.gob.cl/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Genero-y-reduccion-de-riesgo-de-desastres-ACERCAMIENTO.pdf.
- Moreno Romero, J. and Shaw, D., 2018. Guía de Orientaciones para la gestión de voluntarios espontáneos en situaciones de emergencia y desastre [Guidelines for planning the management of spontaneous volunteers in emergency and disaster scenarios]. Government of the Province of Concepción. Available from: https://adm.talcahuano.cl/archivos/gestion_riesgo/descargas/eCoMa0W7vxNiNVs4K3wE_Plan_VEs_Concepcio%CC%81n_LR.pdf.
- Voces de Resiliencia [Voices of Resilience], 2022. Video. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpUAQkJwcTc.
- La Memoria de mis Manos [“The Memory of my Hands”], 2021. Video. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrVptuLrECo.
PhD Students
- Suzanne Jayne Gosling, 2025. Talking reform, but not doing reform? Investigating the institutional dynamics of humanitarian reform in the health sector of humanitarian assistance., (In progress)
- Steven Findlay, 2027. Undermined or Underpinned? A research project examining whether UK based Volunteer Responders to Crisis and Disaster Events would support and engage with, or feel threatened and resistant to, a common training and skills framework to facilitate integration and commonality of practice., (In progress)
- Oliver James O'Neill, 2031. Improving Response within Disaster Management Organisations: Analysing the Role of Trauma Informed Practice, (In progress)
Profile of Teaching PG
- CPD4: Humanitarian Operations and External Assistance
- CPD5: Management of Wider Stakeholders
- CPD6: Management of Communication and Learning
- PG Crisis and Disaster Management
Profile of Teaching UG
- UG Managing Crises and Disasters
- Managing spontaneous volunteers in disasters: an internationally transferable framework and policy impact (ANID, 15 Mar 2024). Awarded
Conference Presentations
- Disaster & Emergency Management Conference, Enhancing disaster resilience through managing spontaneous volunteers: Insights from Chile, 22 Jul 2024, Gold Coast, Australia
- 1st Conference on Disasters, Pandemic, and Resilient Territorial Governance, Volunteering and Resilience in Local Governance of disaster risk management., 13 Oct 2022, Online conference
- Annual International Conference on Earthquakes; Ministry of the Interior and the General Coordination of Civil Protection, State of Puebla, Mexico, Community resilience after the 2010 Chile earthquake and tsunami., 20 Sep 2022, Online Conference
- Annual Conference on Civil Protection. Ministry of the Interior and the General Coordination of Civil Protection, State of Puebla, Mexico., Managing spontaneous volunteers during disaster response and recovery, 31 May 2022, Online conference
- National Consortium for Societal Resilience [UK+] Conference, UK, Building Resilience Communities in Chile and Argentina: Spontaneous Volunteering Programme, 31 Jan 2022, Online conference
- 2021 National CERT Association Webinar. FEMA, USA, Spontaneous Volunteers: Lessons learned in Chile and Argentina, 08 Sep 2021, Online Conference
- Conference on Civil Protection, Volunteering and Community. SINAGIR Federal Council meeting, ISO 22319 implementation: The cases of Valparaíso and Talcahuano, Chile, 11 Aug 2021, Online conference
- 1st Meeting of the Chilean Network of Resilience to Disasters: Civil Society, Communities and Resilience., Community Resilience: Role of civil society and communities to face disasters., 30 Jun 2020, Online conference
- Webinar: Responsible Volunteering in Times of Pandemic. National Youth Institute, Government of Chile, How to manage spontaneous volunteering?, 10 Jun 2020, Online conference
- Conference on experiences and learning since 27F 2010 earthquake. Municipality of Talcahuano, Chile, Coordination of spontaneous volunteers in disasters, 26 Feb 2020, Municipality of Talcahuano, Chile
- The 1st CERT International Conference Chile, anageManagement of spontaneous volunteers in emergency and disasters, 10 Oct 2019, Santiago, Chile
- The 6th SINAGIR Federal Council meeting, Secretary of Civil Protection, Plan for the Management of Spontaneous Volunteers in Emergency and Disaster Scenarios, Province of Neuquén, 22 Mar 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- PhD in Ph.D. in Social Science Research Methodology (The University of Nottingham, 2016)
- MPhil in Social Work and Social Policies (University of Concepción, 2011)
- BA (Hons) in Social Work (University of Concepcion, 2007)
- Newton prize, I was part of the team who won the prestigious 2018 Newton prize (and its £200k prize money) for the delivery of the EPSRC project "Disaster management and resilience in electric power systems" (Newton Fund, 2018)