Closed-loop tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system
Authors: Yu, H., Liu, Y. and Yang, T.
Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
Volume: 222
Issue: 2
Pages: 109-125
ISSN: 0959-6518
DOI: 10.1243/09596518JSCE460
Abstract:This paper investigates a new modelling and control issue: the tracking control problem of underactuated dynamic systems by using a special example - a pendulum-driven cart-pole system. A dynamic model of a pendulum-driven cart-pole system is firstly presented. Then, a six-step motion strategy of the pendulum-driven cart-pole system is proposed. After that, a desired profile of the pendulum joint velocity is developed based on the proposed six-step motion strategy. The desired joint position and acceleration can be computed using the desired joint velocity profile. A closed-loop control approach is proposed using the partial feedback linearization technique. Finally, extensive simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the proposed approaches. © IMechE 2008.
Source: Scopus