On Pose Estimation for Human-Robot Symbiosis

Authors: Bhuiyan, M.A.A., Liu, C.H. and Ueno, H.

Journal: International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 19-30

eISSN: 1729-8814

ISSN: 1729-8806

DOI: 10.5772/5663


This paper presents a vision based pose estimation system using knowledge based approach for human-robot symbiosis. The system is based on visual information of the face by connected component analysis of the skin color segmentation of images in HSV color model and is commenced with the face recognition and pose classification scheme using subspace PCA based pattern-matching strategies. With the knowledge of the known user's profile, face poses are then classified by multilayer perceptron. Based on the frame-based knowledge representation approach, face poses are being interpreted using the Software Platform for Agent and Knowledge (SPAK) management. On face pose recognition, robot is then instructed to perform some specific tasks by issuing pose commands. Experimental results demonstrate that the subspace method is better than that of the standard PCA method for face pose classification. The system has been demonstrated with the implementation of the algorithm to interact with an entertainment robot named, AIBO for human-robot symbiotic relationship.

Source: Scopus

On Pose Estimation for Human-Robot Symbiosis

Authors: Bhulyan, M.A.-A., Liu, C.H. and Ueno, H.


Volume: 5

Issue: 1

Pages: 19-30

ISSN: 1729-8814

Source: Web of Science (Lite)