Enhancing the doctoral journey: The role of group supervision in supporting collaborative learning and creativity

Authors: Fenge, L.A.

Journal: Studies in Higher Education

Volume: 37

Issue: 4

Pages: 401-414

eISSN: 1470-174X

ISSN: 0307-5079

DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2010.520697


This article explores the role of group supervision within doctoral education, offering an exploration of the experience of group supervision processes through a small-scale study evaluating both student and staff experience across three cohorts of one professional doctorate programme. There has been very little research to date exploring mechanisms which might facilitate reflection on such programmes, such as group supervision and cohort-based pedagogies. The article raises important questions concerning what constitutes group supervision, and the opportunities it offers for wider learning opportunities beyond existing models of supervision by developing an enriched learning environment through peer learning. This pedagogical approach enables professional doctorate students to engage reflexively with discursive processes around their identity as researching professionals. Discussion of the findings will explore the impact of peer learning on the doctoral student journey, and whether any benefits of group supervision may have applicability across other kinds of doctoral programmes. © 2012 Copyright Society for Research into Higher Education.

Source: Scopus

Enhancing the doctoral journey: the role of group supervision in supporting collaborative learning and creativity

Authors: Fenge, L.-A.


Volume: 37

Issue: 4

Pages: 401-414

eISSN: 1470-174X

ISSN: 0307-5079

DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2010.520697

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Enhancing the doctoral journey: the role of Group Supervision in supporting collaborative learning and creativity,

Authors: Fenge, L.-A.

Journal: Studies in Higher Education

ISSN: 0307-5079

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Lee-Ann Fenge