Lee-Ann Fenge

Professor Lee-Ann Fenge

  • Professor Of Social Care
  • Bournemouth Gateway Building BG501, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
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Lee-Ann is Professor of Social Care in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She is a Registered Social Worker and has always been committed to advancing the professional evidence base of social care practitioners. Her research has focused on participatory and arts based methods to engage with seldom heard voices, and she is passionate about working in partnership with those who use health and social care services to create new knowledge to inform practice.

Her research includes participatory arts-based projects with older LGBT citizens, young people with disabilities, and homeless people. Most recently she has been working on a number of funded projects exploring the impact of financial scams on vulnerable groups,. This includes working on the development of a learning tool for community health professionals to widen understanding of the risks posed by financial scams and how best to support vulnerable victims. She is also working on a project exploring mail scams with the Royal Mail, and has recently gained HEIF funding to use gamification to support learning tool development for both practitioners and older people about financial scams...


Journal Articles



  • Fenge, L.A., 2022. Using participatory arts-based approaches to promote inclusive research. Handbook of Social Inclusion: Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences. 511-526.
  • Lyne, M., 2017. Mental capacity, safeguarding and considering best interests. In: Fenge, L., Lee, S. and Brown, K., eds. Safeguarding Adults; scamming and mental capacity. London: Sage/Learning Matters, 78-91.
  • Jones, K. and Fenge, L.-A., 2013. “Involving older gay men in research: the lure of group experience”. In: Pini, B. and Pease, B., eds. Men, Masculinities and Methodologies. London: Palgrave, 209-222.
  • Fenge, L.-A., 2006. Community care: assessing needs, risks and rights. In: Brown, K., ed. Vulnerable Adults and Community Care. Exeter: Learning Matters, 17-19.
  • Fenge, L.-A., 2006. Promoting inclusiveness: developing empowering practice with minority groups of older people - the example of older lesbian women and gay men. In: Brown, K., ed. Vulnerable adults and community care. Exeter: Learning Matters, 83-90.


  • Demashkieh, M., Hardy, R., Shah, P., Ellahi, B., Amenyah, S., Osei-Kwasi, H., Fenge, L.-A., Vijayakumaran, R. and Murphy, J.L., 2024. Dietary patterns in ethnic minority groups: data analysis of vegetable intake from 'Understanding Society' (the UK Household Longitudinal Study). PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
  • Amenyah, S.D., Osei-Kwasi, H., Adjei, J., Bradley, L., Fenge, L.-A. and Murphy, J.L., 2024. A photovoice study exploring perceptions of healthy eating, nutrition and healthy ageing in older Black African adults in the United Kingdom. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
  • Heward, M., Murphy, J. and Fenge, L.-A., 2023. Engagement of people with dementia in care homes with digital technologies: A mixed methods study. In: Dementia Congress 7-8 November 2023 Birmingham.
  • Heward, M., Fenge, L. and Murphy, J., 2023. Engagement of people with dementia in care homes using digital technologies: Reflections on involving experts by experience. In: British Society of Gerontology 5-7 July 2023 University of East Anglia.
  • Oliveira, N., Amenyah, S.D., Tang, W., Fenge, L. and Murphy, J.L., 2023. Self-efficacy of participants in a holistic intervention to reduce unemployment and obesity in France and England. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 82 (OCE3).
  • Amenyah, S.D., Fenge, L.-A., Stallard, J., Lerwil, P., McGannan, B., Oliveira, N., Tang, W. and Murphy, J.L., 2023. Body composition and motivations for accessing an innovative, digital community health engagement tool in socially deprived areas. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 82 (OCE3).
  • Amenyah, S.D., Waters, D., Tang, W., Fenge, L.-A. and Murphy, J.L., 2023. Intervention strategies and effectiveness of health-related interventions to reduce obesity and unemployment in adults. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 79, 911.
  • Fenge, L. and Jones, K., 2018. Creating learning tools from research to explore intersectionality, ageing and LGBT identities: a case study. In: Sexualities in Social Work Conference 8-10 August 2018 University of Montreal, Canada.
  • Calder, G., Banks, S., Barnes, M., Burke, B., Fenge, L.A., Lloyd, L., Smith, M., Smith, S., Ward, N. and Clifford, D., 2016. Conference Report: ‘Ethics and Social Welfare in Hard Times’, London, 1–2 September 2016. Ethics and Social Welfare, 10 (4), 361-366.
  • Cash, M. and Jones, K., 2013. “Interfacing with older LGBT citizens and challenging discrimination”. Two-day Masterclass. In: “Interfacing with older LGBT citizens and challenging discrimination”. Two-day Masterclass 17-18 April 2013 Bournemouth University.
  • Fenge, L., 2012. Putting policy into practice: improving services for older LGBT adults. In: British Gerontological Society Conference, 11-13 July 2012 Keele University.
  • Fenge,L and Jones, K., 2010. Connecting participatory methods in a study of older lesbian and gay citizens in rural areas. In: 8th International Qualitative Health Conference 6-8 September 2010 Boutnemouth.
  • Fenge, L., 2010. Exploring Sexuality, ageing and rurality: a discussion of research methodology. In: Joint Social Work Education Conference, 30 June-2 July 2010 University of Hertfortshire.
  • Cutts, W., Hodges, C.E.M. and Fenge, L.-A., 2010. Connecting participatory methods in a study of youth and risk. In: Qualitative Research Conference 2010 6-8 September 2010 Bournemouth University.
  • Jones, K., Fenge, L. and Read,R., 2009. ’Gay and Pleasant Land? ...’ (short film). In: LGBT Lives: Sexual/Gender Dissidence Over the Life Course (ESRC funded seminar series) University of Glasgow 16 May 2009 Glasgow.
  • Fenge, L., 2008. ‘Don’t mention the FE Word: student and staff experiences of a FD in Health and Social Care’-. In: 7th Qualitative Research Conference 8-10 September 2008 Bournemouth.
  • Fenge, L., 2008. ‘Striving towards Inclusive research’. In: 10th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 2nd UK Social Work Research Conference 9-11 July 2008 Cambridge.
  • Fenge, L., 2007. Diversity within the NHS workforce: raising the aspirations of migrant house-keeping workers, ,. In: FACE Conference - Social Justice and Lifelong Learning: Diversity: Globalisation: Transformation 2-4 July 2007 London.
  • Fenge, L., 2007. Professional Doctorates – a better route for researching professionals,. In: Joint Social Work Education Conference 11-13 July 2007 Swansea.
  • Fenge, L., 2006. ‘Inclusive Practice with Older Lesbians and Gay Men’ -. In: 6th International Qualitative Research Conference, 4-6 September 2006 Bournemouth.
  • Brown, K. and Fenge, L.-A., 2005. Career Pathways - Continuum of Education through Certificated Building Blocks. In: Fragmentation or Integration? Maintaining workforce development and performance in Social Care - Learn to Care Annual Conference 18-19 April 2005 Bournemouth, England.
  • Fenge, L.-A. and Brown, K., 2005. Career pathways - continuum of education through certified building blocks. In: NATOPPS Conference April 2005 Bournemouth.
  • Brown, K. and Fenge, L.-A., 2004. The regulation of post-qualifying social work - developing a competent work force. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference April 2004 Glasgow.
  • Brown, K., Fenge, L.-A. and Young, N., 2003. Reflective practice in post-qualifying social work education. In: Mindful Inquiry: 9th International Reflective Practice Conference 23-25 June 2003 Cambridge, UK.
  • Fenge, L.-A., 2002. Social work and older people: challenging social exclusion through 'citizenship' and participation. In: International Schools of Social Work Conference 2002.
  • Fenge, L.-A., 2002. Participative inquiry and older people. In: Qualitative Research Conference in Health and Social Care September 2002 Bournemouth, UK.
  • Fenge, L.-A., 2001. Empowerment and community care: projecting the 'voice' of older people. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Conference 4-6 April 2001 Bristol.


Internet Publications




PhD Students

  • Liz Davey. An exploration of women's experiences of wellbeing through attendance at aquanatal exercise, and the impact of peer support during pregnancy


  • LEMONADE: Community food model for older people (Dunhill Medical Trust, 03 Jul 2023). Awarded
  • A novel approach to investigating inequalities in nutrition and healthy ageing for older Black African adults in the UK. (UKRI Food4Years Pump Priming Award, 03 Jan 2023). Awarded
  • Privacy Game (Bournemouth University HEIF-6, 01 May 2020). In Progress
  • Developing learning tools to support student and qualified nurses in their understanding and duties of human rights and mental capacity legislation (Burdett Trust for Nursing, 01 Jan 2019). Completed
  • Promoting Dignity through understanding Narratives (Economic Social Research Council, 02 Nov 2013). Awarded
  • Dementia Awareness Course (Royal Bournemouth Hospital, 01 May 2013). Completed
  • The power of narrative and stories in enabling learning for professional practice (Higher Education Academy, 16 Apr 2013). Completed

External Responsibilities

  • Ethics and Social Welfare, Editorial Board member (2014-2018)
  • Social Work Education :The International Journal, Editorial Board Member (2012-2017)
  • Social Work Education:The International Journal, Editorial Board Memebr (2012-2017)
  • Southampton,Hampshire and Isle of Wight Social Work Education Network (SHIP/SWEN), Co-Chair (2012-)

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Global Festival of Learning ASEAN Responding to global threats from scams and cybercrime – the role of Global Education 2050 (02 May 2018-09 May 2018)

Conference Presentations

  • Sexualities in Social Work Conference, Creating learning tools from research to explore intersectionality, ageing and LGBT identities: a case study, 08 Aug 2018, University of Montreal, Canada, 08 Aug 2018 - 10 Aug 2018
  • BU Global Festival of Learning ASEAN, Responding to global threats from scams and cybercrime – the role of Global Education 2050, 02 May 2018, Foreign Trade University Hanoi Vietnam
  • IAGG Global Aging and Health Conference, Enhancing Cyber-Security for Older Adults: Research and Strategies in the UK, 23 Jul 2017, San Francisco
  • BU Global Festival of Learning ASEAN, Protecting yourself from Financial Scams, 25 Mar 2017, BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ethics and Social Welfare in Hard Times, Wicked problems in Health and Social Care and the role of Ethical Leadership’, 01 Sep 2016, Euston London UK
  • Joint Social Work Education Conference JSWEC, Sexuality and Well-being’, 13 Jul 2016, Open University Milton Keynes
  • Making Safeguarding Personal University of Bedfordshire, Evaluating MSP policy and practice: Working with an HEI to evaluate impact, 27 Apr 2016, University of Bedfordshire
  • Making Safeguarding Personal – Safeguarding Conference, Making Safeguarding Personal Gold Standard – Enfield Case Study’, 13 Apr 2016, University of Bedfordshire
  • Occupational Science In Europe Conference, Performance Poetry as a Method of participatory research for young people with disabilities’, 01 Sep 2015, Bournemouth UK
  • Joint Social Work Education Conference JSWEC, Using creativity in social work research – connecting to create impact’, 22 Jul 2014, Royal Holloway College University of London
  • Discourse, Power and Resistance Conference, Seen but Seldom Heard : pedagogic and therapeutic uses of creativity to explore perceptions and experiences of disability., 09 Apr 2013, Greenwich University


  • PhD in Exploring the Meaning of Home For Six baby Boomers (Bournemouth University Supervisors Dr Kip Jones and Dr Lee-Anne Fenge, 2015)
  • PG Cert in Research Supervision (Bournemouth University, 2009)
  • DProf in Further Education and Higher Education (Bournemouth University, 2008)
  • CQSW in Social Work (CCETSW, 1988)
  • MSc in Social Work Studies (London School of Economics, University of London, 1988)
  • BA (Hons) in Psychology (University of Exeter, 1984)


  • Senior Fellowship (Higher Education Academy, 2016)
