9th millennium plant subsistence in the central Anatolian highlands: New evidence from Pinarbaşi, Karaman Province, central Anatolia
Authors: Fairbairn, A.S., Jenkins, E., Baird, D. and Jacobsen, G.
Journal: Journal of Archaeological Science
Volume: 41
Pages: 801-812
eISSN: 1095-9238
ISSN: 0305-4403
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.09.024
Abstract:Plant macrofossil analysis, phytolith analysis and AMS radiocarbon dating at Pinarbaşi in central Anatolia confirm the presence and continuity of plant gathering practice as a key subsistence strategy from c. 9000-7700cal BC. Results demonstrate the use of almond, terebinth and hackberry as food plants, similar to Palaeolithic/Epipalaeolithic subsistence strategies in the Antalya region. Crop and/or crop progenitor use is unsupported, with sporadic cereal macrofossils rare and shown by direct radiocarbon dating to be intrusive, a conclusion supported by the phytolith analysis. Seed exploitation is also rejected. Results confirm the presence of sedentary foragers from 9000cal BC in central Anatolia, contemporary with the Levantine PPNA-Early PPNB, suggest a different plant subsistence focus to contemporary forager societies in the Fertile Crescent and indicate economic differences with contemporary sites in central Anatolia which were already cultivating crops. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Source: Scopus
9th millennium plant subsistence in the central Anatolian highlands: new evidence from Pinarbasi, Karaman Province, central Anatolia
Authors: Fairbairn, A.S., Jenkins, E., Baird, D. and Jacobsen, G.
Volume: 41
Pages: 801-812
eISSN: 1095-9238
ISSN: 0305-4403
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.09.024
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
9th millennium plant subsistence in the central Anatolian highlands: new evidence from Pınarbaşı, Karaman Province, central Anatolia
Authors: Fairbairn, A., Jenkins, E., Baird, D. and Jacobsen, G.
Journal: Journal of Archaeological Science
Volume: 41
Pages: 801-812
Abstract:Plant macrofossil analysis, phytolith analysis and AMS radiocarbon dating at Pınarbaşı in central Anatolia confirm the presence and continuity of plant gathering practice as a key subsistence strategy from c. 9000–7700 cal BC. Results demonstrate the use of almond, terebinth and hackberry as food plants, similar to Palaeolithic/Epipalaeolithic subsistence strategies in the Antalya region. Crop and/or crop progenitor use is unsupported, with sporadic cereal macrofossils rare and shown by direct radiocarbon dating to be intrusive, a conclusion supported by the phytolith analysis. Seed exploitation is also rejected. Results confirm the presence of sedentary foragers from 9000 cal BC in central Anatolia, contemporary with the Levantine PPNA-Early PPNB, suggest a different plant subsistence focus to contemporary forager societies in the Fertile Crescent and indicate economic differences with contemporary sites in central Anatolia which were already cultivating crops.
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Emma Jenkins