Why advertising and design students should be required to write
Authors: Rutherford
Journal: Networks (journal of the Higher Education Academy ADM Subject Centre)
Issue: 17
ISSN: 1756-963X
Source: Manual
Why advertising and design students should be required to write
Authors: Rutherford
Journal: Networks (journal of the Higher Education Academy ADM Subject Centre)
Issue: 17
ISSN: 1756-963X
Source: Manual
Why advertising and design students should be required to write
Authors: Rutherford
Journal: Networks (journal of the Higher Education Academy ADM Subject Centre)
Issue: 17
ISSN: 1756-963X
Abstract:Central to contemporary advertising practice is the notion of compelling narratives: the ‘stories’ we tell about products, brands and ideas. In order to make informed and appropriate decisions in the conception and design of messages, materials and strategies that will affect or persuade, advertising students must be able to recognise, understand and convey the meaning and implications of information. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of entrants to art, design and media programmes arrive without these skills. This article argues that an effective way to engage and assist our students in learning to work with meaning (how to find it, understand it and express it), is to provide them with both the opportunity and the incentive to improve their ability to write.
Source: Manual