A new registration method for mixed augmented reality environments

Authors: Shi, X., Wan, T.R., Tang, W. and Zhu, Y.

Journal: Applied Mechanics and Materials

Volume: 220-223

Pages: 2649-2653

eISSN: 1662-7482

ISSN: 1660-9336

DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.220-223.2649


In augmented reality applications, one of the challenging tasks is to solve environment registering using only partial information of the targeted environments or physical features. We propose an improved method to solve the problem. Our vision based method estimates the relative camera pose between two calibrated views, combining marker points with environmental physical features to increase the effectiveness and the accuracy of the registration process. Experimental results show that our approach can recover the 3D structure information of actual scenes effectively, and the system developed satisfies the requirement of augmented reality (AR) applications successfully. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

Source: Scopus

A New Registration Method for Mixed Augmented Reality Environments

Authors: Wan, T.R., Tang, W. and Zhu, Y.

Journal: Applied Mechanics and Materials

Volume: 220-223

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Wen Tang