The jazz-sport analogue: Passing notes on gender and sexuality
Authors: Caudwell, J.
Journal: International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Volume: 45
Issue: 2
Pages: 240-248
eISSN: 1461-7218
ISSN: 1012-6902
DOI: 10.1177/1012690209357120
Abstract:This short communication is an engagement with popular-cultural comparative analysis. It focuses on the ways jazz and sports are linked via the idea of an improvisatory-aesthetic. The short communication considers styles of play and socio-cultural practices to argue that the dominant improvisatory-aesthetic is contingent on gender and sexuality. Taking a Butlerian approach, the analysis claims that improvisation has been produced historically and performatively to deny girls and women recognition as viable subjects. © The Author(s) 2010.
Source: Scopus