Human Aspects of Digital Rights Management: the Perspective of Content Developers

Authors: Favale, M., McDonald, N., Faily, S. and Gatzidis, C.

Journal: SCRIPTed

Volume: 13

Issue: 3

Pages: 289-304

Source: Manual

Human Aspects in Digital Rights Management: the Perspective of Content Developers.

Authors: Favale, M., McDonald, N., Faily, S. and Gatzidis, C.

Journal: SCRIPTed

Volume: 13

Issue: 3

Pages: 289-304

ISSN: 1744-2567


Legal norms and social behaviours are some of the human aspects surrounding the effectiveness and future of DRM security. Further exploration of these aspects would help unravel the complexities of the interaction between rights protection security and law. Most importantly, understanding the perspectives behind the circumvention of content security may have a significant impact on DRM effectiveness and acceptance at the same time. While there has been valuable research on consumer acceptability, (The INDICARE project, Bohle 2008, Akester 2009) there is hardly any work on the human perspective of content creators. Taking video games as a case study, this paper employs qualitative socio-legal analysis and an interdisciplinary approach to explore this particular aspect of content protection.

Source: BURO EPrints